Chap 7

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By TempheriUs

Yuki stared angrily at her empty notebook and unused pen. She had to get Kaname and Zero back together, act as the glue in the broken relationship. But, there was just one issue. How was she supposed to go about achieving this?

The movies made this type of thing seem easy!

The young girl sighed and placed her head in the cook of her arms. 'Cmon Yuki, what do both Kaname and Zero like? I mean, apart from each other... Any common interests? Hobbies?' The brunette contemplated to herself, scratching her head.

"Yuki?" A voice called from a corner of her dorm, bringing Yuki out of her thoughts.

The young girl straightened her posture and stared in the direction of her name. "Yori?"

Her best friend sent a warm smile in her direction from her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Why are you still awake at this hour?" She asked in a tired tone, yet still expressing concern and curiosity.

Yuki furrowed her brows and sighed for what must've been the billionth time that night. She closed her notebook and leaned into her chair. "There's this problem I'm having, and it involves people I care a lot about. "

Yori smiled at her friend. "What's the problem?"

"I'm just...having trouble fixing... fixing them." Yuki replied with a sad tone.

Yori hummed in understanding, her eyes sending empathy Yuki's way. "Are they having an argument?"

The brunette nodded.

"Ah, well, maybe I can help. I've had heaps of friends argue with each other yet still make up."

Yuki smiled at her friend in relief. "Yori, you're so amazing."

Yori stretched her arms and got up from her bed, heading towards Yuki. "Yeah, I know. So, what have you got in mind so far?"

The brunette smiled weakly, "right now? Er, nothing."

Yori sat down on a nearby chair and opened Yuki's empty notebook. She grabbed the pen and entered a writing position. "Yuki, if you dont mind, who are these 'friends' of yours?"

The brunette gave a bashful grin, "Kaname and Zero. Remember how they were all affectionate for a while and now they're not?"

Yori nodded with an intent look.

"Well they're pretending like that never happened, but they miss each other a lot. I can tell. Y'know, all the longing side glanced and stuff."

Her friend raised Yuki's pen to her mouth and furrowed her eyesbrows in thought. "It was pretty weird how they randomly broke up. They were kind of cute together."

"Its like a rivals to lovers sort of thing right?"

Yori grinned. "Right. Okay, now how do we go about mending their relationship."

Yuki shrugged. "I dunno, a date?"

Her friend contemplated the suggestion, and hummed in agreement.

In Heat. [Vampire Knight] Kaze [KanamexZero] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now