Chapter 1- Alice McNiel

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Just to clarify a few things:

-POV: Point of View

-A/N: Author's note


I decided to write this story out of the blue. I have done some planning and made plot twists to make it more interesting, but I'd love some idea's from you guys. Don't freak out if i ever misspell a word; I'm human okay -_- Anyway's, this story is about the average girl's life. I've read a lot of stories and I've found that most stories have unrealistic endings. I'm not a fan of people changing themselves, especially if it's a girl changing herself for the popular jerk and he turns out to be nice and sweet and no. Just no. Sorry to burst your bubble but that doesn't happen.

Follow me on twitter: @LeaHoran17 Thank you! :)

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Chapter One - Alice McNiel (Alice)

~Alice's POV~

Yesterday was August 24th. My birthday. 7 years since my mom's death. My grandma used to tell me that I look exactly like her; brown hair, chocolate eyes, petite body. My grandma died last year of old age. She just passed away in her sleep, the way everyone should. My mom was murdered on my birthday. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Mommy, Mommy! Is it almost time?"  I screamed joyfully. My 9th birthday party was about to start. My friends should be arriving in half an hour, and I could already smell the cupcakes and birthday cake that my mom was baking.

"Calm down baby girl," my mother said smiling. Her tummy bulged and I looked at her in shock. The baby had kicked for the very first time! I ran to my mother and put my hands on her stomach. I felt a little kick. My heart soared. I couldn't wait any longer. The baby was due in just 3 months! I looked up at my mother. She was so beautiful. Her long dark brown hair fell over her shoulders in curls and her white maternity dress made her look just like an angle. That's what my dad always called her. Angle.

Suddenly the front door was kicked open. A man wearing a black hoodie and a ski mask stormed into our cozy house. He was carrying a gun and had a backpack slung over his shoulder. My mother gasped and yanked me into the kitchen. We watched quietly as the man searched through our living room. " If only Daddy were here,"  Mom whispered. She reached for the phone that was on the counter, but in doing so she accidentally knocked over a vase that cost her her life. I held my breath as the vase crashed onto the ground and broke into a thousand pieces. The man shot his gun in our direction and I watched as a bright red spot appeared on her stomach and she fell on her side. I screamed and the man jumped out of our window and ran away.

The ambulance came and took my mother away. My dad was called at work and he came home to me. My mother bled to death in the hospital. The baby was a boy. He'd be 7 now.

My birthday party was canceled. Just like the vase broke, so did my world.

-End of Flashback-

I sighed as I rolled over in my bed and reached for my white iPhone to look at the time. 5:42pm. Groaning, I sat up and started getting ready. My dad would be home from work and expecting supper, then he'd go into his room and mourn the anniversary of my mother's and little brother's death. He's been doing that every year. It starts on my birthday. He tries to smile and be cheerful, gives me lots of presents, and takes me to a movie, but I can see the pain in his eyes and it kills me. He'd take a week off work and use it to drown his sorrows in alcohol. That's the only time he drinks. I admire him so much; he's strong enough for the both of us and so warm and comforting.

I heard the front door unlock and the jingle of keys.

" Alice! I'm home!"  Dad called. I was in the kitchen making spagetti, my dad's favourite. Maybe that will cheer him up, I thought. Smell's good kiddo."  

We sat down at the table and ate in silence.

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