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I try to open the door, but before i reach the door knob the door disapears. He makes these blaster things appear, then shoots his hand towards me. I brace myself for cover, but right before they hit me Sans appears out of nowhere to block them. The man thing disappears, sans looks at us.
"You okay kids?" He asks,
Aphmau is wide eyed, too stunned to move. She passes out on the ground,
"Is she okay?" Sans asks,
"She's fine, she could probably use some sleep anyway..." I reply, I carry her in a cradle position. I fish for the money in her pocket and walk back to snodin with sans. I tell sans I'll meet him in grillbz, I head to snodin inn and buy a room for me and Aph for the night. I lay her down and go to to grillbz. Sans is waiting at the front door,
"C'mon in grillbz definitely has the best food!" He says, we walk in. Everyone in here says hi to sans. Or barks a hi, we sit down at the bar.
"So kid what will you like?" He asks,
"I'll just have a burger.... And maybe something for Aphmau." I reply,
"Gotcha. Yo Grillby! A burger and and order of fries please!" He says he puts a burger and a thing of fries on the counter. Aphmau is that kind of person who orders a burger and fries, eats all the fries, then is too full to eat the burger. She got an ity bity stomach. I push the fries to my left.
"Hey want some ketchup?" Sans asks,
"Sure." I reply, he hand my a bottle. I stare at the bottle, the lid is crooked.... I take the lid off the screw it back on. Haha outsmarted the ketchup prank.
"Nice try." I say,
"Fair enough." He says, I make a swirl of ketchup on my burger. While I eat I listen to sans.
"So my bro! Don't you think he's cool?" Sans asks,
"Oh he's awesome!" I say the absolute truth! He was an easy fight first. He takes nothing as an insult second. And DOESNT SAY BAD PUNS THIRD! Not counting the first time that was the one and only time.
"Yea he's awesome!..... Hey have you heard of a talking flower?" He asks, I choke a piece of tomato on my plate.
"Sorry inhaled a piece." I lie "but...." I remember flowey "yea.... I have.."
"So you've heard of the echo flower?" Sans asks, I have never heard of an echo flower in my life. But I nod pretending to know, he explains on how he thinks papyrus is talking to them.
"Just keep your eye out okay kid?" He says, I nod. Sans stands up,
"Alrighty you got the bill right? It's 50000 g" sans says,
"Uhhhhh...." I don't got the money why does it even cost so much.
"Nah I'm just joking. Hey Grillby put it on my tab!" And sans leaves, I take the box of fries and the rest of my burger and walk back to the hotel. When I get to my room I look at aphmau. Still out cold, I set the food on the mini table next to her then go to sleep on the other bed.
We hear the bell ring. I go to the front door with Lilith, we open the door and see Leona. Wait Leona? She has a bag and a small suitcase, Lilith told us to move the couches somewhere no one is gonna look we put it inside bread tower and also Jin set up a lap top and speaker so they can see what's going on in the game.
"Okay we will get started right away! Bye guys!" Lilith picks up the suitcase and waddles when it bounces against her legs.
"Hi Leona!" Me and some other people say. She waves,
"Hey guys.... Your okay with this right?"
"Yea we sorta don't want Adam to kill us when he comes back." I say, she looks confused. "Lilith will explain."
"Alright see ya!" And she runs off after Lilith. Oooookaaaay? But atleast we won't be killed.
When I wake up I see aphmau eating some French fries.
"Morning Adam! Thanks for the food by the way, I was starving!" She smiles, I smile back. She throws the paper box in the mini trash can.
"Should we continue in the water falls?" She asks,
"Yea. Anyway you feeling better than pissing your pants?" I ask,
"HEY IF YOU WERE IN MY POSITION WHAT WOULD YOU DO! A FLOWER NEARLY KILLED ME A GOAT NEARLY KILLED ME PAPYRUS NEARLY KILLED ME EVERYONE NEARLY KILLED ME!" She yells but not to loud, we leave the hotel. Aphmau tipping the person at the front desk. The we head to the water falls, right next to sans's empty station there's a glowing flower and another dude standing next to it.
"This is an echo flower. It repeats what it last heard over and over again." He says, I look at the echo flower.
"This is an echo flower it repeats what it last heard over and over again." The flower says, aphmau goes up to it and whispers something to it.
"Aphmau is awesome." It repeats, she giggles. I role my eyes.
"Oh c'mon Adam your smiling." She says,
"I know I am." I chuckle, we keep walking. Eventually we hear something behind us. I dig in my pocket and despite this suspicious noise behind us I flip out. I threw the knife halfway thru the trees! How is it back?!? I throw my hand out of my pocket and look behind us. It's that monster kid... I remember him having a small conversation with aphmau earlier. I sigh with relief... And he ends up walking with us.
"Sup monster kid." I say,
"Hi! You guys are here to see undone right?!? SHES SO COOL!" He keeps rambling on about how awesome she is. Aphmau is actually listening but I'm wondering how I got this toy knife back. Did I throw something else instead? No I couldn't have. maybe I... I have no idea how it could've happened.
"Adam you look stressed. Are you okay?" Aphmau asks,
"Yea... Let's just... Let's just keep going." I say speeding ahead.

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