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"So how did you know my name anyway?" Chara asks,
"Chara as in character. I know it's not your real name so you can forget that." I say,
"It's what everyone calls me." She luggs aphmau behind her, she's still unconscious.
"What ever. And do you really need aphmau not to reset?" I ask,
"It's not gonna be as big of a problem. I damaged the reset button to the point where it's only a continue button. If she could do a true reset I would have to start from the beginning! And that wouldn't be fun!" She giggles more,
"Mettaton will stop you." I say,

"That metal rectangle? HA! I could kill that thing in a second!"

"I checked him." I say,

"Oh yea? How much attack and defense?"

"99atk 999def." I say,

"...... I'll find a way. I always do!" That's the part I'm scared about, chara stops.

"I need to get some things. You can stay here with aphmau!" She walks away, I sit with aphmau.
"Aphmau stay strong. Please." I say,


"Aphmau be strong please. Don't let her win!" I hear over and over again.

Wake up wake up wake up! I tell myself, finally my eyes shoot open. I look across the floor and see a shadow shaped like Adam for a moment. Like... if he would be sitting right infront of me. It disappears.

"Adam?" I grumble, but get no response. I'm getting delusional,

Aphmau that grey door! It's back!

I look around and see that grey door, I smile and laugh in relief! I realize my body is chained to the fetal position so I can't walk or move my arms. Then I feel something,

The fact that you need help and need to get to that door. You are filled with determination!
Hot land file saved.

I put my game face on and throw myself into my back. Then try to roll over to the door, it's a slow process. Then I finally make it to the door, I roll back and fatally roll to the door to knock on it.

C'mon aphmau! You can do it!

I roll back a little farther and roll forward even faster. Making a medium loud bang. I roll back again and bang the door again.

"COME ON PLEASE OPEN UP!" I plead, I bang, bang, bang.... but nobody came.


Then right before my eyes the door disappears.

"no, no NoNO NO NO! PLEASE COME BACK!" I cry right there, then I feel some one pick me up.
"Huh?" I ask,
"Heya kid? You okay?" It was sans,
"SANS THANK GOD!" I say, he nods.
"Here let me get you out of there." He rips the chains off me, as soon as I'm free I hug him. I begin to cry,
"Sans! I'm sorry! I couldn't stop her!" I sob into his sweat shirt,
"I know... no need to explain... I'll get them for it. And save you." He says,
"Sans... I have something... for you." I open up my inventory, and with shaking hands give sans the dust of undyne and papyrus's dust. Sans's eyes turn all black for a moment... then back to normal.
"Thanks kid.... seriously. I appreciate it." He says, "here lemme heal ya."
I get back to twenty out of twenty.
"Kid I don't want that demon that I'm here. So if she comes I'm gonna hide." He puts his hand on my shoulder. I nod,
"Try to stop her... but more importantly... try to fix the reset button." He says,
"You know?" I ask,
"I don't remember what happened after a reset but I do k is they exist." Sans explains, I hear footsteps.
"Sans ! What do I do?!?" I ask,
"C'mon I know a shortcut." Next thing I know I'm hiding in this place... with three cactus's and a sign that says.
'Art club meeting: October eight, 8:00 pm.' I look over the edge to see chara frantically looking around for me.
"Thanks sa-" I was about to thank him, but he wasn't there.
"WHERE IS SHE ADAM!" She yells, I see a plane encounter her.
"Simple! You don't scare me fool!" Chara took her knife out and I quickly jump over the edge, And tackle her before she gets the plane. As I wrestle chara I yell.
"GO RUN GO GO GO!" I yell, the plane flies away.
"DAMMIT! LOST HER!" Chara yells "BUT ATLEAST I FOUND YOU!" She eventually pins me to the ground.... I really should work out more.
"Uhg it's not even worth chaining you again! I will just waist more chains! Listen you have two options: one you don't fight me and just follow and I won't kill everyone, two you don't cooperate and I will kill everyone."
"YOULL KILL EVERYBODY ANYWAY!" I scream, then I spit in her face.
"You shouldn't have done that!" She said, then she grabs my hair and drags me somewhere. I scream as I fight off but she keeps dragging me. I remember the knife I got. I took it and grabbed her arm I was about to cut it in half but I thought.... what if it kills Adam too? I do t know where he is but it could possibly kill him... I put the knife back In my Inventory.
Aphmau hold the knife to chara's arm. But then puts it down. I look shocked,
"NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HAD A PERFECT CHANCE!" I scream, chara then swings her up and flips her over the edge on top of lava.

Sup! Hope you enjoyed and bye

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