They get mad

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Lucy: *Kisses Natsu*
Natsu: *Runs around the guild flailing his arms around* Ohmuhgurd Ohmuhgurd Ohmuhgurd! Lucy just kissed me! Ohmuhgurd! *Sets table on fire* I don't even like Lucy! Ohmuhgurd!

Juvia: *Hugs Grays Arm* Gray~sama!
Gray: Juvia, Get the fu-
Wendy: *Slaps Gray* No cussing!
Gray: My Bad, Juvia, would you please the fadoodle cakes off me?
Juvia: No! *Smiles*

You: *Rolls on floor* I'm a cinnamon roll!
Laxus: (Name), *Sigh* get the fuck off the floor.

Yukino: *Acts like she's drowning so Sting will save you*
Orga: Don't worry Yukino, I'll save you! *Pulls Yukino out of pool and does Mouth-To-Mouth*
Sting: *Laughing sounds like a car starting*
You: *Laughing at Sting*

Rogue: *Romantically wraps arms around Sting from behind* *Whispers* Eat all the Frosted Animal Crackers again, and I'll be damn sure I'm know as the 'Solo Shadow Dragon Slayer' *Walks away*
Sting: Dafuq, that was his car who ate dem animal crackers. . . .
Frosch: Fro thinks so too!

Minerva: Hi, Rufus. *Smiles*
Rufus: *Walks away* Ain't dealing with that chick today.

Gray: So, how have you been, (Name)? *Wraps arms around your shoulder*
Lyon: *Setting up stick bomb underneath Grays Chair*

You: Midnight?
Midnight: *Sleeping*
You: *Yells* Oh my goodness, where could (Name) have gone?!
Midnight: *Wakes up* *Holds Cobra up by the collar* Where's (Name)?!

Cobra: Cubbelious!? *Cries*
Midnight: *Wakes up* Shut.The.Fuck.Up! *Falls asleep*
Cobra: *Smacks Midnight* *Runs*
You: *Grabs popcorn*

Jellal: I'm so confused
You: *Points towards tree* The fucking leafs Jellal! The fucks tree leaves is what I spied with my own little damn eyes!

Mystogan: *Walks through apartment door*
You: *Sneaks behind Mystogan*
Mystogan: *Disappears*

Jackal: But Mard Geerrrr!!
Mard Geer: No excuses!
Jackal: *Cries and explodes trees n' shit*

You: *Sits in Mards throne with Harry Potter wand* Your a wizard Mard!
Mard Geer: *Straight face* . . . . . *Walks out of door*

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