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 totallyviola; when your bffl finds a new bffl so you gotta zen the shit out of life tagged; totallytessa 65

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totallyviola; when your bffl finds a new bffl so you gotta zen the shit out of life
tagged; totallytessa

totallytessa: ooh cool yoga moves where you at

carlawells: photo creds to the better wells 😄

totallyviola: some beach somewhere?? It's in Cali, don't worry we haven't moved to Hawaii totallytessa

totallyviola: photo creds to the baby wells carlawells

carlawells: I'm 16 viola

danielsharman: when I was 16 I had a quiff

dylanobrien: when I was 16 I stole my sister's cardigan and filmed myself singing then posted it on YouTube

totallytessa: when I was 16 I had a crush on that guy from Scooby Doo

danielsharman: the dog??? totallytessa

totallytessa: no, the hot blonde guy danielsharman

danielsharman: so you're into blondes? totallytessa

cassiesisaac: something tells me Daniel's planning on dying his hair blonde

totallytessa: hmm, I don't know, I don't think I really have a type, you know? danielsharman

tylerposey: girl, please don't be texting and driving totallytessa danielsharman

totallytessa: ??? tylerposey how do you know I'm driving???

dylanobrien: he stalks you, obvi totallytessa

tylerposey: you said you were going to get icecream for Daniel? totallytessa

totallytessa: oh yeah tylerposey

totallyviola: 💦😉😉

text messages with: scarfman💕

Daniel can we watch a film?

yeah sure, what do you wanna watch?

Finding Nemo
Wait, no, Mulan

I have finding Nemo at my trailer but not Mulan, do they have it at the shop?

Wait, film change again- can we watch the notebook? Do you have that? I just really want to cry and eat ice cream

yup, it's still here from the last time we watched it 😂😂
The things I do for you, Tess

I love you, scarf man

Love you too Tessie

Fearless ♛ Daniel SharmanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora