Chapter 9

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"Please take it, Alondra. Don't reject me. It makes me sad." Ichiru says to Alondra, who sits in a hidden corner of the Kiryu home. Ichiru isn't small enough to go into the small space, and he tries to reach his hand out to her.

"Don't be sad." Alondra murmurs as she intertwines her small fingers with his.

"Then take some of my life, please." Ichiru says with a sad smile.

Alondra gets on her hands and knees and crawls towards him. She kneels in front of him and reaches her hands to his face. "Ichiru, sorry." She whispers before pressing her small lips on his cheek. Ichiru lightly blushes and puts his hands on top of hers.

Alondra pulls away and rests her forehead on his shoulder. "Why don't you kiss my lips like that time with Zero?" Ichiru questions Alondra. She looks up at him, confused. She's figured out that it takes more energy if she were to do that.

"Is that bad?" She questions him. Being a child, she still does not understand what kissing really means. To them, it's not just a simple feeding.

"You really don't understand, do you?" Ichiru questions, looking into her innocent eyes.

"Understand what?" She questions, tilting her head to the side. Ichiru shakes his head and hugs her.

"If only you did. Then you'd understand why it hurts." Ichiru says softly as a pang of sadness crosses Alondra's heart. She doesn't really understand it, but she knows it's because of Ichiru's words.

"Ichiru is starting to say mean things." Alondra says to him. Ichiru stares ahead of him, not responding to her.

"You make me cruel." He thinks to himself before closing his eyes and falling back from the lack of energy.

"Eh?! Ichiru! Ichiru!" Alondra shakes him, but his is completely unconscious. "That's why I don't kiss you." Alondra says, putting her head to his chest. "I'm sorry if it hurts." Alondra whispers as she rests her head on his heart. She waits for him to wake up.

"I never asked Okaasan my question. It didn't feel right. Would I understand more if I asked? I wonder." Her hands go over Ichiru's cheeks, touching it gently as she waits for him. She decides to lie next to him and hold his hand, watching over him.

"Alondra? What are you two doing on the floor?" Zero questions as he finds the two of them through all the boxes in the room. Alondra doesn't look at Zero as she waits for Ichiru to wake up.

"I'm sorry, I took some of his energy, and he passed out. I insisted, but I also couldn't keep holding on to my hunger. I'm really sorry." Alondra starts to cry. Zero kneels next to Ichiru and tries to get him to wake up. He sighs and lies down on his other side, reaching over him to wipe away Alondra's tears.

"He's stubborn about helping you. It's not your fault. We need to keep an eye on when you need energy. Maybe then you'll be able to take less energy from one person." Alondra looks into Zero's eyes. She puts her hand over the hand that is on her cheek.

"I don't want to be a vampire anymore, Zero. I hate it. Okaasan and Otousan asked what I wanted for my birthday. Do you think I can wish to not be a vampire anymore?" Alondra smiles gently at Zero, even if her gaze is sad. She still wishes for it.

"You don't have to be ashamed of who you are. I like you just the way you are." Her eyes widen, and she blushes as he says that to her. His own words make him blush as he looks at her. They're both startled as Ichiru groans. They're relieved to see he is about to wake up. They also try to ignore that strange moment between them.


"It's getting chilly out there. Looks like winter is going to settle in soon." Amaya says as she comes back from grocery shopping. Alondra runs up to greet her.

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