Chapter 2

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"Liv, are you home" I screamed as I walked in the house. "I am in our room Rosie!" I run up there and sit on her bed and talked to her. "How was your day Liv?" " Great, Henry and I were together and he picked me up for school, after school we went to the movies then out for smoothies. It was amazing!" She said happily. "you so lucky sis" " I could get you a boyfriend Rose" "No thank you I want to find on myself and get a guy that likes me for me." " Oh okay I hope you find on this year." " Thanks well I am going to go to bed night Liv" I said a I just in my bed. "goodnight" She said softly as she turned out the light.

The next day, in school Michael comes up to me and says "Hey, I guess I know a new person now haha." "I'm Michael what's your name I don't thing I have seen you around." He says sweetly. "I not popular like most people maybe that's why and I am Rosie." I started laughing and blushing. Then he turn to his friends that were calling his name and he looked at me twice in class and smiled. When class was over he said see you around with that cute smirk of his.

That night was the last practice before the big game. We all practiced great and the I got so scared because Michael came running up to me and started a conversation. " Hey man you did great out there! I wish I was as good as you." he said. "Thanks and your not bad your getting really close to steal my spot" as I laughed in a mans voice. He asked me a surprising question! " Hey do you know that girl Rosie?" "Yeah why?" "I think she is really cool and pretty! I might as her out soon." "Really" I said in a girl screech and he had a very confused face on and said " Okay well please don't tell anyone I cant let people thinking I am weak for liking a girl that doesn't do anything." "I wont say a word" as I walked to my car.

Me and Liv had a full on conversation for hours about how I like someone but would not tell her who which got her mad but she understood. I didn't sleep that night I was thinking about what I would say I thing I will say no I know ill say no. So I was still telling myself he is going to hate me if he knew I was a girl and taking the spot he wanted as a football player. So I have to say no. I don't thing I can handle a relationship.

The next morning I only had one hour of sleep and it is the day of the big game but I am ready! When I got into class he stared at me the whole period and he turned and asked "Are you going to be at the game tonight?" He asked in a scared voice. " Yeah ill be around why?" "Can you meet me at the parking lot after the game?" I looked at him with a frightened face and said " yeah sure" and I smiled and he turned around smiling and he could finally focus. I saw him a couple times and I could feel his staring at me when I was getting my backpack. I started walking out while he walked into the guy locker room so I ran into the guys bathroom when everyone left and I came out in my wig and all ready for the game.

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