about to start

13 1 0

My alarm when off at 10 am and I woke up and went down stairs and ate some breakfast with my dad and I realized that he wasn't there and I call for him

DAD?????? DADDD???

Ok he isn't here I think he when shopping I will wait about an hour and if isn't here than I will call him.. I eat Cereal and watched some TV and then someone walks in the door

Me: Dad???

No response

Who is there?

I was a female!!

Me: Mom!!!

Rouge: What?!!

Me: Who are you and why are you in my dad's house?

Rouge: Im rouge his wife.. who are you?

Me: I'm Rose his daughter..

Rouge: What?!

Me: Your my mom who was on her business trip.

Rouge: Ya where is he?!

Me: I don't know i woke up and he was gone.

Rouge: Ok do you know where he went?

Me: No sorry

Rouge: It's ok

Me: Want to watch TV unit he gets back?

Rouge: Ya sure

About 30 mins latter he showed up with like 50 bags with school supplies and clothing

Me: Hey dad guess who came home from her trip?!

Rouge: Hey honey

Knuckles: what are you doing here rouge.

Rouge: I live here!!

Me: I'm just gonna go to my room and gonna get ready for school

As I walk to my room all I here is yelling from the living room and I get ready anyway

Knuckles (POV)

Me: Rouge you shouldn't be here.

Rouge: hay I still live here!

Me: what are you here for then?

Rouge: "I came to say I'm sorry"

Me: why should I believe you?

Rouge: Because WE have a Beautiful daughter and she is up stairs listening to what we are saying!

Me: I will give you another chance if you mess it up I won't ever forgive you EVER!

Rouge: Ok do you want me to take her to school.

I walk down stairs and interrupt the conversation

Me: Yes that would be nice,bye dad love you see you at 3

We are driving to school and it was silent for a while no for long

Rouge: what time does school start?

Me: 12

Rouge: ok do you want your dad to come get you after or me?

Me: Dad because he works 4-6 on Mondays.

Rouge: ok what do you want to do after school?

Me: can we go watch a movie after dad gets off.

Rouge: of course sweetheart

We pull up to my school 10th grade wow I can't believe it 11:30 just in time

Me: bye mom see you after school.

Rouge: bye love you sweetheart

Me: love you to bye Mom

I walk to my class and my teacher was a tall skinny Blond she look like she was in her 20s she look very young class is small only 8-10 people here..and the bell rings

Ms.lynn: you must be rose?

Me: yes

Lynn: good you sit next to Parker the girl on the right of the class.

Me: ok

I'm in math and this is the most boring class ever I'm smarter than everyone here and I don't even know why I'm here!! Parker passes me a note.

Parker: hey I'm Parker

Me: I'm rose

Parker: well hey

Me: who is that cute guy in front of me?

Parker: Fynn?he is on the football team and he only date people like ........ well um you.

Me: what does that mean?

Parker: your pretty

Me: ok

I gave the note back and I didn't get in back the bell rings for the end of the day i stopped fynn and talk to him

Me: hey

Fynn: Hey

Me: I'm rose

Fynn: I'm fynn

Me: well I have to go bye.

Fynn: wait can I have your number?

Me: ya why not

I give him my number and I go home and do some homework and when my dad gets off we go to the movies as planned. When we go back from the movies I look at my phone and I don't have any messages from fynn maybe he forgot....

Rouge: that was a good movie

Knuckles: yes it was

Me: ya I'm going to go to bed

Knuckles: ok goodnight sweet dreams

Rouge: Good night

I walk in my room and shower then I lay down and I was fast asleep...... Again.

Knuckles Daughter Where stories live. Discover now