the party

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As we get to the party I see Parker, then me and Fynn walk up to Parker and start to chat, then I look at my phone and It was 8:50 and I know that I go to bed but I was at a party, I know I would get in trouble if I was not in bed and at home.

???: Hay

Me: and you are?

???: The name is Stephanie and you are?

Me: rose, it's nice to meat you.

Stephanie: well your dating my boy. 'What does she mean?'

Me: your boy, what do you mean?

Stephanie: F. Y. N. N. Fynn, That's what I mean. 'is Fynn cheating on me?'

Me: FYNN!!

Funn: yes rose.

ME: Get your ass over hear!

Fynn: what is it?

Stephanie: hay honey

Fynn: hay baby

Me: Fynn are you cheating on me?

Funn: rose let me explain.

Me: hmm, why should I?

Funn: because I'm your ride home.

Me: I know where my house is from here, I don't need a ride from you.

Fynn: don't get mad at me.

Me: well you don't have to worry about that because I'm leaving, have fun with 'Stephanie' your girlfriend.

Fynn: so are we done being together?

Me: yeah it's over between us ASSHOLE!!

I start to walk home and Fynn is trying to keep me here so that he can try to get back with me and so I ignore him but instead he grabbed my shoulder so I tell him to let go and he didn't and then I did the most stupidest thing ever!!!!

Fynn: Why the hell did you slap me!!

Me: I told you to stop!!!

Fynn: I'm sorry and you know that I love you And I wasn't trying to hurt you

Me: whatever

I put on my hoodie and start walking home and about half way Fynn was following me until I got home and I shower trying to get all the alcohol smell off of me and I lay down and was fast asleep once Again.

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