~Counting Sheep...~

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If my internal clock could speak,
it would beg me to sleep. 
It would ask me to turn off the world and rest.

Shut the eyes that drag you 
into reality and leave you there,
the eyes that see far too much 
before they even have time to focus.

Plug the ears that let in the voices 
and sentences that keep you awake
because they are continuously running
through your brain at night,
daring to consume the image 
you have of yourself and the world.

Close the mouth that stumbles,
the mouth that hesitates to say what you want 
at the time you need it to.
The mouth that causes regret 
that pulses through your entire body
like tiny ants beneath your skin.

Turn loose of the memories,
all of them.

Shed the layers that have built up 
upon your body,
and let them fall to the floor 
like satin in slow motion.

Leave every person you've ever known behind you.
Leave them in the black 
where all your memories have gone. 

Then lay in your bed 
and forget the feeling of your body.
Float in the nothingness and whiteness of clarity.
For then you may find rest.

3:00 A.M. Thoughts...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora