The 50th Hunger Games, Maysille's POV

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Chapter 1

50-49-48- The Hunger Games will be the death of me! I need to figure a strategy in the 40 seconds left. I look around, observing the arena, the sky is a bright shade of baby blue and  to my left are grassy hills coated in fresh daisies and to my right is a forrest, it all looks beautiful! Too beautiful to be the death place of 47 children if you ask me? I take a big breath of air and as I though, poison! Everything! Poison. I cough into my jacket. 30-29-28-   I lock my eyes on a backpack that could contain anything and just block everyone else out. Suddenly I hear the gong and launch myself towards the cournocopia! Full speed. I grab the hem of the backpack and throw it around my shoulders, now where to go? I throw myself towards the hills and run. As I leave I turn my head to glance at the cournocopia and as I do, I regret it. Death is everywhere. 12 year olds lie with their guts hanging out of their stomach, their pure, innocent faces smeared with blood. The sight makes me gag. As I scan the pile of bodies to see who died, I see nobody from 12. I smile. Then run. 

Chapter 2

After walking all day I walk towards the forrest and pull myself up into a tree. Stepping on each branch with caution until I find a sturdy one. I unzip my backpack to see what I have to keep me alive, I am hoping for a weapon and water, I can go days without food, I always did at home when I gave my food to the kids from the seam. I empty it and find A dart gun; Some matches, 1 gallon of water in a bottle and a packet of beef jerky. Thats a fairly good gain except how am I suppose to kill people with a dart gun, I mean.... I take a dart and stab it into a daisy and suddenly it turns to a sickly yellow color. I grin, displaying my teeth that clearly haven’t been brushed. 

Chapter 3 

I must have dozed off because I am awoken early morning by the rustling of leaves, I look down and see two tributes 1 girl, 1 boy walking towards the meadow, I grab my dart gun, stab it in a flower, aim, close my eyes and fire. As I hear the girl’s screams I feel like someone has dropped a weight into my stomach, my chest tightens and I open my eyes. The girl is on her knees, holding her Allies' hand. I aim, shoot. Both dead. 2 down. I close my eyes and smack my head against the tree trunk. Before I turn away I notice the boy clutching a small bag, I hop down from my tree and snatch it from his cold, dead fingers; its food. I stuff a mouthful of bread into my gob even though I want to throw up.

Chapter 4 

At about midday I manage to push myself out of a tree and go for a walk, gun in hand. As I turn a corner I see Haymitch, fighting another tribute. He’s gonna loose. I raise my hand, my index finger hovers over the trigger and as the Tribute put a knife to Haymitch’s throat, I shoot. The tribute I believe is from District 4 drops to the ground in a series of spasms. “We would be better together” I spit out before I can stop myself, as soon as I say it I regret it 

“Allies?” Haymitch smiles at me 

“Allies” I repeat. Haymitch walks past me and I follow “Where are we going” I ask, curiosity filling me, Haymitch shrugs and carries on walking so I just follow.

Chapter 5 

We have been walking all day! Midnight is coming up and I feel tiredness setting in making my brain sluggish and sleepy. I drop to the ground and rest my head against the tree but Haymitch keeps walking, Why is he doing this? “We should stop” I say 

“Why?” Haymitch stops but doesn’t look at me 

“I’m tired, we haven’t stopped all day!” I respond, anger makes my cheeks feel hot

“So what? You’re tired, big deal. Just think, there’s got to be an end to the arena, an escape, we could leave this place!” he yells, his voice is full of desperation.

“Just stop, for now, Okay?” 

Haymitch hesitates “Okay” 

He slouches down next to me and opens up the backpack, taking swigs of the water. I feel a shiver go through my bones and reach for the matches but as I do he smacks them out of my hand 

“Thats a good way to get killed” he looks at me sternly, I sigh and throw them into the bag and just close my eyes and slowly drift off into 10 hours of nothing-ness.

Chapter 8

When I wake I am not where I was 10 hours ago, I am miles from there, on a cliff. Haymitch is there staring at it. “This your ending!” I cry at him “Your great escape”, he doesn’t react, just stares at the cliff. “How many are dead?” I ask playing with my jacket sleeve

“Forty-two dead” he sighs 

“Well theres only a few left, I wouldn’t want it to come down to us two anyway” I say, trying to say “I don’t want to kill you so I will have to get someone else to”, he nods. I pick up my backpack and turn away, walking towards the centre of the arena. But after a few feet I smack my head against a tree. Why did I do that? A colorful bird lands on my shoulder and I cry into its feathers but as I do it turns its long neck and throws it into my neck, piercing the skin! I scream but as I do I hear muffled words 


“HAYMITCH!” I croak, the bird peck and I know that I’m going to die. The last thing I see is Haymitch’s hand in mine crying, then everything goes light and I am wearing a white dress and I see the girl and the boy I murdered. All I can do is look through the clouds staring at Haymitch, hoping he wins.

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