5// Please dont let go.

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Quinnlyns P.O.V. {11:30 AM} •1 week until tour•

On the phone with Noah

"You did kind've bail on me." He speaks.

"Well I wasn't expecting you to ask or kiss me." I lied.

"Sorry. I'm glad we could set things straight now though".

"Yeah" I say scratching the back of my neck in disagreement.

"Alright I know it was a huge screw up. But it could've been your friend putting pressure on you."

"Who Ariana? No. I'm completely comfortable around her."

"Let's see then. Meet me at mini golf in a bit?"

"Sure" I say without thinking. Quickly realizing my mistake I act with no boundaries and hang up.

"Shit" I mumble under my breath and fall back on the bed. He's cute. He's clean cut. He's popular. But, he's a huge player. So this is just for my enjoyment.

To Chrissy❤️: I got a date with Noah :/

Chrissy❤️: why the face? He's cute.

Q: can I come over? I'll explain there.

Chrissy❤️: use the side door.

----at Chrissy's----

"Hey girlfrannn" she greets me at the door.

"Sup Christine."  I reply.

She leads me upstairs to a bedroom where I've spent most of my life. I have my own but I'd always sneak out to watch movies here and prank call random people with Chrissy. She's been a one since day one.

"So tell me." She turns around. "What's wrong with Noah?"

"Other than he's a complete player?" I sprawl my arms out.

"Is he you're crush?" She folds her arms and gives me the look.

"How intimidating."

"Answer my question, Quan" she looks at the ceiling.

"Yeah I guess. He's pretty cute but I don't wanna end up with him."

"You're lying to me" she snaps back.

"Huh? I just don't wanna end up with him. That's the truth." I beam.

"No not about that" she swats the air.

She paces around for a solid 5 seconds before snapping her fingers and pointing at me with bulging eyes.

"What?!" I panic.

She relaxes her body language and paces around again then stops at my feet.

"You like Ariana don't you?" A large grin appearing across her face.

"What makes you think that?" I say anxiously and turn a deep shade of red.

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