'Ugh! Damnit that slant eyes! I swear to god I will really really pick a fight with that damn tsundere if she says one more time that my cute and fabulous "Nico Nico nii~" is gross of course I know that she is jealous because I'm much more cuter than her because something as like maki chan I know that she won't outwitted me the universe most cute idol Nico!~'
"Whaa!! Look out!"
After I bumped on some person that I know who I fell on my butt
"Ouch! Hey watch where your going will ya?!" I shouted
"That's my line Nico chan!" Maki shouted at me wait a minute did I just said maki? Then this person don't tell me she's...
"Hey earth to Nico chan! Are you even listening to what I am saying?!" Maki pouted
'Maki chan is so cute when she pouts like that.... Wait! Wait! Wait! W-what did I just said?! Did I just said that maki chan is cute?! No way! That can't be true!!!'
"Mou! Nico chan! You idiot flat chested girl! Stop staring at me like that?! It's gross!" Maki said
I snapped and looked at her with a pissed look
"Gross?!! What do you mean by that?!!" I shouted
"What do you want me to explain it to you Nico chan?" Maki said while twirling her hair
" Well of course you need too!! And will you stop looking at me like your uninterested?!"
"Okay fine you say so Nico chan don't be pissed at the words that I'm going to say okay?" Maki asked
"Yeah yeah whatever tsundere chan~"
"W-what did you say?!" Maki shouted
"Nothing Makii~" (if you're wandering why it is wrote maki's name like that well Nico is teasing maki by saying it in a boys name because Makii is actually refer to a boy and NicoMaki is canon I'm telling the truth it's in the drama cd...)
"Mou~ Urusai!!" Maki shouted
"Hai~ Hai~"
"Well~ Well~ what do we have here?~ two love birds talking intimately on the first day of the morning~ right Elicchi?~" Nozomi said who came out of nowhere along with Eli
" Yeah it actually is Nozomi" Eli said
'Gahh! T-those parfait gays saying something crazy again....'
"Nozomi! Eli! What the heck are saying?!First we're not talking intimately and second we're not lovers!" Maki said who's already flushing red then the school bell rings
"A-anyway! We should get going to our respective classroom or well be late!"
"O-oh right... Anyway I'm going to my class now bye!" Maki said while waving at us
'Ahh~ Oh! Thank you for the big help! Oh! Magnificent bell of our school!~'~TIME SKIP~
"Gahh! That was one of a hellish lesson for this day! I can't take it anymore!"
"I agree at you Nico chan it's so exhausting!" Honoka said
"You're very right Nya!" Rin said
"Hahh~ Those Baka trio.... Why can't they even try to appreciate study for just one day!" Umi said
"Umi calm down we can't do anything about this you know..." Eli said
"Yeah Eli's correct Umi we can't do anything about those three especially the loli idiot" Maki said something irritating to me
"Grrr! What's you're problem Huh?! You tomato tsundere!"
"You! What did you just say to me?!" Maki shouted
"Huh?! Didn't you just here me?! Oh! Don't tell you're deaf!"
"Why you flat chested idiot!!" Maki said irritatingly
"Huh?! What did you say you slant eyes?!!"
""Grrr!!"" We both said angrily while looking at each other
"My My~ Would you both stop being intimate to each other with looks it's so sweet you know~" Nozomi said playfully
""What?!"" We both said in unison
"Nozomi!" Eli said
"Hai~ hai~" Nozomi said
'Geez what's wrong with this big breasted monster.... Saying something ridiculous like me and maki chan being intimate to each other but if it's maki chan were talking about well she's cute and beaut-'
"W-what the hell am I thinking??!!!!"
"W-woah! Nico chan you scared the hell out of me" Honoka said
"Hehehehe~ Honoka chan you don't need to be surprised because Nico chan is an idiot so she does that sometimes nya~" Rin said cheerfully
"What did you said Rin!!" I snapped back at here
"Eekk! N-nothing Nico chan! Rin didn't say anything weird at all!"
"Really... Because I heard something irritating from you"
"W-what is it nya?!" Rin asked
"Don't ask me I know what you said Rin!" I said as I stand up on my seat and started to chase Rin
"Rin is very sorry Nico chan!!"
Wahhh!! I'm very sorry for the slow updates and I think this is the longest chapter that I wrote
Oh! Right I forgot to say this so......
I hope you had a wonderful day along with the other members of muse!~