A Fun Halloween!

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''So everyone I called you here for an important discussion about our halloween espec-"
"Yay! More celebrations!" Honoka said
"More Free Food nya~!" Rin added
"Hehehe.... And more cute praises for nico nii's cute dress~" Nico said
'Great... Those baka trio planning for their ownselves again... Seriously when will they understand that someone is talking here...'
"Tsk! What are you saying nico chan? No one will praise you of course" maki said as she rolls her eyes
"Nico! Will you please not-" I said as I was stopped talking by maki's rant
"I SAID NO ONE WILL PRAISE YOU! Cuz you're not even cute!" Maki shouted back at nico
"Why you little-!" Nico said
"Oh come on bring it baby face!" Maki said
Seeing this two as my blood boil.... Seriously this two are wasting my time right now...
"Uh oh... Everyone I think we should run like right now!" Honoka said
"W-what do you mean by that Honoka chan?" Hanayo asked
"Because.... My senses are telling that Umi chan is going to explode any minute now..."
"Ehh~ I didn't know Honoka chan can sense something like that nya~" Rin said
"Anyways! Lets go to the main topic and right now we need calm Umi down or something bad will happen to those two right Nozomi?" Eli asked Nozomi
"Of course Elicchi~ since when did my cards lie at me elicchi~" Nozomi said while holding the 'DEATH' tarot card
"O-okay...." Eli cringed while looking at the card in Nozomi's hand
"Uh-Oh... The Demon is going to rampage! Everyone Hide!!" Honoka shouted
"You two seriously do know that someone is talking here...." I said while emitting a dark aura
"U-uh... Umi we can explain!" Nico said
"Yeah that's right Umi!" Maki said
"Hahaha.... And do you seriously think that i'll let you two explain..."
"Y-Yes?" The two said while shivering in fear seeing the Demon on their very sight
"Hahahaha... No" I said in a serious tone
"W-wait Umi!"
"No wait... Now let's start the fun part shall we"
"*Gulp* oh sh*t were dead..." Nico said cursing under her breaths

"Okay! So everyone let's have a wonderful Halloween today!"
"Hai~!" Everyone said in unison
"Yes! A fun Halloween! Right Rin chan?!" Honoka said while holding her excitement
"Mhm! Of course Honoka cha nya~!" Rin said
"Hai~ Hai~ Okay everyone let's prepare now~ The earlier the better right Elicchi~"
"Of course Nozomi~ So Umi lead us the way!~" Eli said while blushing a little
"Wait! Wait! What about us! You people totally forgot us that we exist here!" Nico shouted
"Right! This isn't fair Umi! Get us out of here!" Maki shouted irritatedly
"Hmm... And why would I Maki"
"Uh... Because..." Maki said while finding an answer
"It's because we're a member in here too you know!" Nico shouted
"I know but you two know why I tied you in your chairs right?"
"It's because you two are a rampage when you two are together right"
"But this isn't one of the reason you should tie us down!" Maki said
"Right! I would understand if the two us were separated but not like this!" Nico shouted
"It doesn't matter if you two are tied in there all i know is you two would always wreck an havoc! Now you two are disturbing my plans here if you excuse us"
"Bye bye maki chan nya! See you later~!" Rin said without a care in the world
"U-Uhm... Maki chan... Nico chan Ganbatte!" Hanayo said
"Ano I'm sorry for Umi chan acting that way... And I'm very sorry if I can't do anything goodbye" Kotori said
With that everyone said there farewells to Maki and Nico who are tied down in their chairs struggling and finding a way to get out in there place
"Hey! Someone help us in here!" Nico shouted for help
"Seriously this isn't funny guys!" Maki shouted
"Hey! Someone! Anyone help us in here!!!" Nico shouted in the middle of the night
God! It's been so long since I update like years! I have been busy lately in school like our teacher just give us a pile of work!
Hahh... Anyways how are you lately today guys? I'm fine today if your going to ask me
And actually this chapter is supposedly to be long but I accidentally delete it... Curse this hand for deleting such a long chapter!
Oh and right before I forgot thank you everyone for supporting this story~!
And to AwesomeGamerZ  congratulations on your authograph to Rippi~ I'm so jealous that you got a chance to talk to Rippi

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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