I sit on the shelf right above her head. Every day all I look at is the graveyard of cracked porcine dolls. I wish there was something I could do, something to help these poor broken souls. There's only one problem... I can't move. Stuck sitting on the shelf above my small prison guards bed. The only way I can move if I'm in direct contact with her. I would have to be sleeping next to her for me to be able to even flex my fingers! I guess I never explained how I even came around to exist in the first place. When a doll is first created it doesn't have a soul, a spirit, any life in it at all. It's as lifeless as a rock. Being brought to life only happens after a doll makes contact with her first owner. Humans are so ignorant, thinking they are only the top predator and convincing themselves nothing other that science can exist. I'm proof that there is something more that that out there. The love humans have for each other and the items and small creations if theirs is enough to bring thousands and thousands of dolls and toys to life. Only small children know how to harness that love to bring their loved toys to life.
There can only ever be enough energy transferred over to the doll or toy for it to be aware. We have no power to move, speak, or even use our eyes to move our eyes. The only time there is enough to energy being transferred over is when we are in direct contact with our loving creator. Then we have the power to move to our hearts content. As long as we stay in contact with our owner of course.
I can't let myself fall victim to her! I have to find a way out. I'm not dying here! There has to be a way to escape. I don't care what I have to do, I have to escape!
Born To Die (In Progress)
HorrorA doll who has been abandoned by everyone she cared for has landed on the hands of a young girl who doesn't care for the state or care of her dolls. Fed up the doll comes up with a plan to get rid of the girl forever.