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A/N:So here's the first chapter~I haven't updated my stories for awhile,oops,sorry I had author's block.Enjoy~ 

Disclaimer:I don't own KHR.


Tsuna looked at the mansion in front of him in awe.'Humans have technology now huh,It's awesome,I can still remember when I was a yong angel I wanted to become a robot'.He pressed the doorbell -'I wonder why it's called like that?'Tsuna wondered-

"Hello,what business do you have to visit the Sinclair manor?"A voice said from a speaker

"I'm going to be the new tutor for Renato Sinclair"

"Is that so?Then please wait a minute I'm going to open the gate'

The gate opened itself -'Must be because of technology'Tsuna concluded- and a man in his forties greeted him.

"I'm one of the head butlers of the Sinclair family,You may call me Nezu Dohachiro"They both came inside a room and sat there while talking about Tsuna's job-to-be

"I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada,I'm going to be the tutor"

"Ah yes,about that,Master Fon and Mistress Mammon are on a business trip so I'll be the one explaining to you about your job.the young master had a lot of tutor,personal maids and chefs and so on.I'm not going to be surprised if you back out after you experience things from him"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Ah well,the young master is an arrogant little prick that has a stick shove up his *ss like he's so perfect"

"..." Tsuna doesn't like this old man at all

"By the way,your job as a tutor will start tomorrow so be prepared,you're dismissed"

"Thank you"Tsuna replied before standing up and walking out of the mansion


"There's going to be a new tutor huh,I wonder what's he's like,I hope he's not like the other tutors and arrogant little prick huh...Let's see about that Baka-Nezu"A child with onyx black eyes and spiky black hair said after eavesdropping like he does it everyday.Maybe it is a daily occurence 'cuz he's Reborn.


"So Nezu-san,What's the new tutor like?"One of the maids asked Nezu,clearly curious.

"He looked very weak,I bet 900 yen that he won't stand a day"Nezu replied

Nezu thinks that someone that looks very weak,kind and naive doesn't deserve to succeed in life.For him,that Tsunayoshi looked useless,someone that shows weakness to others doesn't deserve to be successful.

He remembered that time when he was still a teenager,people around his age bullied him because of his grades,someone that doesn't have a friend,a perfect victim material but look at him now,one of the head butlers of the Sinclair family,one of the wealthiest and greatest family around the world.

Nezu hated Tsunayoshi Sawada not because he looked like he's useless,naive,a fool or anything else degrading.He hated Tsunayoshi Sawada because he's almost the same as him


Tsuna looked at the lobby with wide eyes because damn it he was supposed to be an average person,not a very successful one.

The apartment looked like it's for rich people,it probably was.Everything looked luxurious and just for wealthy people,Tsuna looked really out-of-place for wearing a white hoodie and jeans.Some even looked at him disapprovingly.

This 'apartment' has buildings that was labelled from A-Z and their own room.Tsuna blames God and Satan for choosing this place but he has no choice.So,with all the self-confidence that he has -which wasn't much- he walked to the woman at the front desk

"Yes?What might it be that you needed?"She asked while smiling at him brightly,Tsuna thinks he's going to get blind if he even continue to look at her

"Erm,I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada,I bought an apartment here but I'm wondering where it is?"He asked

"Oh that,wait a minute..."She typed something to the laptop in front of her "Ah here it is!Well,It's R-27,I mean Building R,Room 27"

"Ah,thank you Miss...?"

The woman smiled at him and said "Kyoko Sasagawa.You can call me Kyoko"

"Okay,Miss Kyoko!Thanks for the help!"Tsuna said and waved goodbye

"It's nothing!"He heard Kyoko said before he left the lobby completely


Tsuna looked at the balcony at the side of his room,lights around the city are open,they looked wonderful like the stars.He closed his eyes and whispered "Well this is going to be my life now,I'm going to be a tutor for someone"

Tsuna had a weird dream that night,about a baby that has curly sideburns,wearing a fedora and a chameleon that can change into a gun,a boy with silver hair and green eyes with dynamites,the boy with black hair,hazel eyes and that calming smile with a sword.There were also pineapples,skylarks,tridents,tonfas,Clams,Pacifiers,Mare Rings,Humans that sprout wings out of their backs like it's perfectly normal.

He woke up that day and dismissed that weird dream as his overly active imagination.








...Too bad for him.



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