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Summary:God and Satan sent a letter to the one of the archangels,Tsunayoshi also known as Tsuna to tutor a child with the name of Renato Sinclair -but the child prefers to be called 'Reborn' for some reason- to be the new 'Death' because the last one already resigned.

Of course it's not that simple because Reborn is born in the human world and is somehow the most fitting for the role but it's hard to make him accept it.

Will Tsuna succeed in making Reborn into the next 'Death' or fail and had to find another one to fit the role of 'Death'?



[Dear Tsunayoshi,

You have been chosen to tutor the next 'Death' because the last one resigned due to stress from paperworks,he said his strands of hair is falling off so that he will remain beauty as he calls it.We're going to have problems if there wouldn't be any souls to come in heaven or hell.We have already chosen someone for you to tutor and the information about him will be sent to you



P.S.-We think he will fit for the role]

There was also another one from Satan.


We've chosen someone for you to tutor because the last 'Death' is a lazy bastard,so you're going to be the one sent to tutor him because you're the one that seemed to be decent and normal enough (I saw some of the reapers,angels and demons watching some cartoon from the human world and also something they call anime) Anyway,the information about him will be sent to you.Wait.I just heard some demons planning about their fanfiction of some sorts of story that they will write.Bye~



P.S.-I heard some of the reapers talking about 'yaoi' try to research about that when you come to tutor your student >:D]

"HIIIIEEEEEEE?!They really decided to make me tutor the next one and what does God mean about 'stress' and 'strands of hair falling off'?WHY ME?!" Tsuna shrieked

Tsuna looked at the folder of information in front of him and opened it to read about his student.When he opened it there was a picture at the upper right of the first page.The child has big onyx eyes and chubby cheeks. Tsuna started to read the information.

 Tsuna started to read the information

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[Name:Renato Sinclair


Age:4 years old

Attitude:...No comment


Mother:Viper/Mammon Sinclair

Father:Fon Sinclair



Hobbies:Making troubles,Cosplaying and many more.

Title:Soon to-be Death


-He's a spoiled brat-deal with it- you have a lot of patience so you might succeed in tutoring him.

-He's weird as hell]

Tsuna re-read the file again but nothing changed so he just sighed and said "Great,now I need to be a tutor for the next 'Death' and I thought I'll be able to live peacefully for awhile.Well let's just pray that he isn't that much of a spoiled brat."


Y.N.N.:You're all free to kick me but I really can't help it Q^Q I need to get this out of my head.The pairing is All27 and of course it's one-sided >:D I'm so bad,I still haven't updated my other stories and is making another one,oh well.

This is my stress reliever.Meaning this is full of crack and insanity.Unlike the other stories (This is my first time making a pure crack) 

I dedicate this to KuroYukiR27 because she deserve it :). 

Pairing/s: FonxMammon/Viper -deal with it- One-sided All27.

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