9: Fans and Troubles

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As the door opened, my eyes widened.

The sky was a dark blue hue, and with some extra shades of purple and black, with how many stars one astrologist would've dreamed to see, two moons at the center illuminating the dark blue sky, one that's big and crescent, and another round one that was in the middle of the earlier said moon.

The city was absolutely advanced, the ground was a dark shade of purple with neon lights contrasting its dark hue, the buildings were lined with light neon blue.

My eyes had stars practically embedded onto them, my mouth's jaw was left to hang, and I could sense that my friends had the same look on their faces (with the exception of Fang of course)

Captain Kaizo was the first to step out, and almost immediately, the papparazi shroudded him with how many questions and flashes that could blind a person.

When we followed along, we were greeted with the crowd of papparazi as well.

That was until a bunch of bulky bodyguards holding some kind of fusion between a shotgun and a laser stepped onto the scene, surrounding all of us, possibly to keep safe from the horde, how I wish I had this much personal space when the papparazi from Earth ambushed me.

"You okay?" One of the bodyguards asked, and we all nodded. I was suprised that they could speak Malay!

They then signaled us to begin walking, which we did, and I was very surprised to have seen that no one, and I mean NO ONE, has gotten through them, I only hear about a million questions, words of pain, and screaming.

Grabbing us all of the sudden by our collars, they then threw us into a hovering limousine.

"Tch, it's always like this." Captain Kaizo grunted, putting on a pissed off look.

"Always like this?" I asked him, confused as to what he said.

"It's always like this whenever I or both us go back here, the news, the reporters, everyone is just so annoying." He anwsered as he looked out the window. Hand resting on his chin, supporting it.

Since I was next to the window, I looked out of it.

The buildings were pure black, and the windows were black tinte as well. The only thing lining them was neon colors, the roads were white and have shades of teal to very baby blue.

Unbeknowest to him, a friend was watching him from the moment he started staring at the city through the window, starstrucked like a hearthrobbed fangirl


So cute...I thought to myself, he was sitting up straight and he didn't even move or flinch, he was starstrucked and being cautious of his surroundings at the same time, probably because this was his very first time in a limousine.

"Oh~I feel like I caught someone staring~" I heard from the front row, on shotgun, hearing someone chuckling.

"I-I wasn't!" I responded, stupid brother...!

He raised a brow at me. "Of course you weren't~" He replied back. Giving me this 'I will humiliate you to the ends of the galaxy' smirk.

He then poked Boboiboy at the shoulder, causing him to turn back sharply. "Y-yeah? What is it?" He asked, nervously, cheeks tinted into a soft baby pink, he was probably embarrased now that a person noticed how much he looked like some awestrucked idiot

"You look like your curious about this place no? How about I bring you to the marketplace tommorow? So we can get the things we need for the mission."

At that moment, Boboiboy looked like he had stars shot straight in his eyes.


"Yeah, really."

He went happy, well, a little too happy, as he bumped his head on the limousine's.

As he was rubbing his head in a chance to soothe the pain, Captain suddenly looked at me, at first with a poker face, that he uses to scan anyone's expression, before giving me a teasing smirk.

This guy...if I'm having the chance, I'm going to KILL him...!

As my blood was boiling, and I was pretty near my snapping point, someone patted their shoulder at me, I turned around to see Ying who was behind us along with Gopal, Yaya and Ochobot.

"Oi Fang, you okay? You seem mad.." She asked.

"Oh, y-yeah." I said, patting her fingers away from my shoulder.

She at first, gave me this 'I'm suspicious about your actions' look, but she just shrugged it off, and sat back down.

Everyone is starting to slowly but surely know my secret feelings, but I will have to reserve it...for now to say more than the least.


It has just been five minutes, but the driver said that were near, but what I like about this ride is that there was no sudden bumps, no traffic, just a calm, quiet, and smooth ride. (A.N: Y'now, I wish this was in the Philippines XD)

Captain Kaizo decided to close the front seat window in order for all of us to have some peace and quiet, or maybe he just wanted to block out the noise, I don't know.

When he did that, we started talking to each other.

"Guys! We are here, on a different planet!" Yaya exclaimed happily.

"Now that we're here, what are we going to do first?" Ying asked.

"Gathering materials is first, then we can have some fun." Fang answered her question nonchantly.

He has a point, after all, do your work first before there's more time to play, and, so we can rid of the task first anyway.

But, oh well, I hope our trip here isn't going to be terrible.



Also, I got rid of them >:)

What's this feeling? (A BoBoiBoy x Fang Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora