Chapter One

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A/N: So this is a new story idea that I had because I'm OBSESSED with Teen Wolf. This is not based of of Teen Wolf what so ever it's an A/U but it's still located in Beacon Hills. It will have the same rules as my Cash book just not the same plot. I'm going to try my hardest here so cut me some slack. Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️

Isaac's POV
The principal's office smelt weird. Like a mix of coffee, sweat, and something else that I can't smell clearly. He was a Beta, everyone in this town was like us. That's why we moved here, it means we can show who we are and stay safe. The Alpha of this pack supposedly is a junior at this high school. His dad was the Alpha but he left a couple years ago. The principle walked in the room and sat at his desk.
"Mr. Lahey, welcome to Beacon Hills High School. I will call one of our aids in to show you around the school and to your classes." I nod my head and he calls a kid named 'Stiles' into the room.
"Stiles, would you mind helping Isaac to all of his classes?"

"Finally! You guys never give me anything to do around here. C'mon kid." I stand up and hand him my schedule. He walks out and motions for me to follow him. We walk in an awkward silence for a couple minutes but he breaks in.
"So, what are you?" It's a friendly question but I'm not really comfortable with myself so I look the other way and mumble a reply.
"I'm an omega." His eyes bulge out of his head and he stumbles a little.
"You're an omega?!" I flinch and nod my head slowly. He seems to notice my nervousness and quiets down.
"Sorry, I'm not hating. Just, we've never had an omega in the pack. Male or female." I calm down a little.
"Yeah, that's what my father said. That's why we got accepted into the pack so easily. It's supposedly an honor to have an omega in your pack." He nods his head.
"So you're the omega Scott was talking about. He's really excited to meet you." I look at him confused.
"Whose Scott? And why does he want to meet me?"
"You shall find out who Scott is next period." He says to me after looking at my schedule. I nod and the conversation is dropped. He shows me all my classes and then takes me to my second period class because first is almost over.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Isaac. Hope you have a good first day." He waves and walks off to the office. The bell rings and I sigh. I haven't even been here for half a day and I already want to leave. Once the classroom is cleared out I walk inside and take a seat in the back. I look out the window waiting for class to start. A couple minutes later the door opens and the most amazing smell invades my senses. I inhale deeply and look over to the door. In the doorway there's a tall boy standing completely still with his eyes closed and nostrils flared. His head snaps over to my direction and he starts walking over. I lower my head down in hopes he won't stop by me but I see his feet stop right in front of my desk.
"Hello, I'm Scott McCall. I haven't seen you around so you must be the new omega." I look at him confused.
"How do you know that?" He smirks at me.
"I'm your alpha." The way he says that makes me shiver in pleasure. I hear the faint voice of my wolf in my head.
'Our alpha.' I'm so confused until it hits me. The smell, the butterflies in my stomach, the way my wolf's acting. He's my mate. Oh my god, the alpha is my mate.
"O-oh." Good job Isaac, you stuttered. Scott looks over at the empty seat next to me and points at it.
"Mind if I sit with you?" I immediately shake my head.
"No not at all." He laughs at my eagerness and sits down.
"So, have you realized it yet?" I think I know what he means but I'm not sure.
"Realized what?" He smiles at me.
"We're mates."
A/N: Okay, so I know I only make Cash stories but this is an adorable ship so bare with me. The ship is Scisaac from Teen Wolf. It's one of the best shows ever made.

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