Chapter Two

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"We're mates."

Isaac's POV

I blinked a couple times and stared at him. He looked back at me, waiting for me to say something. I cleared my throat and looked down.
"Yeah, I kinda found that out already." He smiled at me.
"I can't believe I finally found you." He pulled me too him and held me close. I smiled and nuzzled into him. The teacher cleared his throat and Scott glared at him. The teacher sighs and looks away.
"You smell good." I widen my eyes in realization of how creepy that sounded and blush. He chuckles and I relax a bit.
"You smell good too." I smile.
"Thank you. I think class is about to start so we should pay attention." He nods but doesn't let go of me. I don't really care, I feel safe in his arms. The teacher starts the lesson and I pay attention the best I can.
---------------------------------Lunch Time--------------------------
I walk into the lunch room and feel eyes on me. I look around and my eyes immediately connect with Scott's. I smile at him and start walking over. He smiles back and starts to walk towards me to meet me halfway but a girl walks up to him and he stops and looks at her. I stop, feeling confused and watch their interaction. She goes to hug him and rub herself on him. I growl and cover my mouth in shock. Where did that come from? Scott looks at me proudly because he was only a couple feet away from me and the girl turns and glares at me.
"And who are you?" She crosses her arms. I clear my throat.
"I'm Isaac, the new member of this pa-" Scott cuts me off.
"This is my mate and your future Luna, Isaac." The girl looks at him with wide eyes and her jaw dropped.
"B-but, what about us Scott?"
"There never was an us Erika." (Bet you didn't see that coming😂)
I smile at Scott and he smirks at me. I tilt my head confused and he pulls me to him. I stumble and clutch onto him. Erika glares at me.
"I don't care if you're my Luna. I swear I will make your life a living hell." Scott growls lowly at her and flashes his alpha eyes.
"Don't you even think about it Erika, I will end you." She scoffs and walks off. I look at Scott while blushing. His growl and that alpha voice killed me. I swear I melted.
"She won't touch you, I swear." I nod and lay my head on his shoulder.
"So where are we sitting?" He leads me over to a table and I see that kid from earlier, Stiles.
"Wow, I see you two are really close." He laughs and I blush more.
"You guys introduce yourself's. I'm gonna go get me and Isaac lunch." He walks off and I automatically feel scared and awkward around these strangers. Well except Stiles, he's nice.
"Hey, no need to be scared. We won't hurt you. Well, if we value our lives. Scott would have our heads if we harmed a hair on your head." Stiles says and I laugh quietly.
"I'm Lydia. Nice to meet you, Isaac right?" I nod and she holds out her hand. I smile slightly and shake it. The guy next to her nods at me and mumbles.
"Jackson." (He never left okay? Okay.) I nod at him and look at the other guy next to him. He looked younger than the rest of us.
"I'm Liam, freshman." I nod and wave shyly. I look at the girl next to him.
"Allison." She says with tight smile. I smile back at her, a genuine smile.
"And I'm Kira. Nice to meet you Isaac. I hope you like it here." I nod and smile.
"I'm sure I will. It's nice to meet all of you." Stiles looks behind me and widens his eyes.
"Uh oh, Aiden is walking over. He's looking at you Isaac, this is bad." I tense up once I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head and look up at the alpha in front of me.
"Hello there, I'm Aiden. And you are?" I open my mouth to answer but a voice cuts me off.
"Not your type." Scott growls out at Aiden. I smile over at him and scoot over so he can sit. Aiden huffs and walks off.
"Thanks, I really didn't wanna talk to that guy." He smiles at me and pulls me on his lap. I blush and start eating my food.
"No problem baby, I didn't want him to talk to you anyway. He only wants to get in peoples pants." I nod in acknowledgement and keep eating. Out of the corner of my eye I see Allison staring at us with jealousy. What's her problem? 

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