Chapter Four

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Isaac's POV

We have been driving for a while and I was starting to get bored. I was about to ask Scott how much longer we had but he pulled up to a large building before I could ask. I look around us in awe because the building was really big.

"Wow, this is you're pack house?" I ask him and he nods at me with a smile. I get off of his motorcycle and cautiously start walking to the door. Scott walks in front of me with a chuckle.

"You're fine babe, I promise nothing bad will happen while you're here." I nod and walk with him inside the pack house. It's beautiful on the inside as well. He starts leading me upstairs and I follow him closely. He opens a door to reveal a big room that smells like him and I already want to burrow in the blankets.

"I hope you don't mind sleeping with me. We don't have extra rooms right now." I nod and sit on the edge of his bed, looking around his room. It's bigger then mine but he doesn't have much furniture. He sit's next to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for saving me." I say quietly and and kisses my head.

"Anything for you." I smile and shyly kiss he cheek. You could practically hear his chest rumble with happiness. He leans down and slowly leans in to kiss me, giving me time to pull away if I want, but I want this. I know I've only known him for like a day but he's my mate. Most people mate within hours of knowing each other so this is a normal pace. I don't plan on mating too soon though.

All of a sudden I feel lips on mine and shocks going on through my body. Wow, if this is what kissing him feels like I'm going to be doing it more often. He pulls me onto his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls back and leans his forehead on mine.

"My wolf is pushing to take over and take you right now." I blush and he chuckles.

"I won't let that happen though, I'm sure it's too soon. We can take it slow if you want to baby." I nod and he smiles at me. God, I'm so lucky to have him as my mate. This has been the best day ever.
It's almost dinner time and I'm really nervous to meet the rest of the pack. It looks like there's a bunch of people who live here and I'm not that great around big crowds. Scott is leading me down to the dining hall right now and he instructs me to sit next to him at the head of the table, which is usually where the alpha's mate sits. I nod and take a seat. He sits down and slowly the rest of the pack come into the room. They all look at me with a look of wonder as they walk in and I try to ignore it. A girl I saw earlier, Allison I think, comes up to Scott and I watch her closely.

"Hey Scott." She says with a glint of adoration in her eyes. She like's Scott. I growl quietly but play it of as a cough. She looks over at me and glares, but Scott doesn't notice.

"Hey Allison, how are you?" He smiles kindly at her. Wow he's really nonobservant. She smiles back and goes to answer him.

"I'm good, just wanted to see why my usual seat is taken." I widen my eyes. She used to sit here? This place is only for the alpha's mate. Was she going to mate with Scott? I whimper quietly and Scott's head snaps over to me.

"What's wrong baby?" I shake my head, not wanting to tell him I'm upset.

"Nothing Scotty, I'm good." I give him a smile to let him know I'm fine and he nods, turning back to Allison.

"You know now that I've found my mate you can't sit here anymore." I smile happily to myself and she frowns.

"I thought we decided I was going to be you're mate?" I growl at her and she looks over at me.

"I'm his mate. Not you, not anyone else. ME." Scott smiles at me and rubs my back.

"Yeah? Well he's the father of my pup so he HAS to mate me. It's law." I gasp and look at Scott with wide eyes.

"W-what? Scott tell me that's not true." He looks at Allison with a serious look.

"It's not true. The only time we had sex I used protection and you know that Allison." She looked upset that her plan failed.

"Fine, have fun with the Omega freak." She storms off and Scott growls loudly and I attempt to calm him down. His eyes flash red and he glares at the door that Allison had stormed out of. He struggles in my grip, trying not to hurt me but also trying to get out so he could hurt her.

"Isaac let me go, she's dead! I swear to god if she comes near you again I'm going to rip her head of." He growls lowly and stops struggling. I slowly loosen my hold on him and he huffs and sits down, pulling me onto his lap. I blush and look around at his pack members. They all seem pretty nice, well except that one guy in the back room. He looks like that grumpy cat and seems to love the color black.

I pull my plate over to me after inspecting the rest of the pack and start eating. The food here is really good, I could probably do better though. Cooking is my favorite thing to do. After a few minutes I finish eating. I didn't eat it all, but I wasn't that hungry anyway. I push my plate towards Scott's and he looks at me funny.

"Are you finished baby?" I nod my head and then he does. He starts eating my food because he was finished with his. I laugh and shake my head. This guy can eat. Once dinner was over Scott led me upstairs to his room again and showed me the bathroom so I could shower. I thank him and he nods, walking out to give me privacy.

I lock the door then turn to the shower to figure out how to work it. After adjusting the temperature I quickly stripped from my clothes and got into the shower. I lathered my body in soap that kinda smelled like Scott and then used the shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing off I stepped out and wrapped myself in the fluffy towel, cautiously walking into Scott's room.

After making sure no one was in the room I walked over to my bag to find some clothes. In the middle of rummaging through my clothes, the door opened.

I heard a low growl and all of a sudden I was pinned against the wall, heavy breathing against my neck. Just by smell, I knew it was Scott.

"It's taking everything in me to not mate you here and now. God, I want to so bad." I shudder at his words, liking the idea. I knew it was too soon, but I couldn't help my body from reacting.

"W-what's stopping you Alpha?" I slowly tilted my head to look up at him, biting my lip at his lust filled gaze.

"You know it's too soon, my love." He took a few calming breaths before backing away. My body was already cold without his touch.

"But is it? I know its only been a day but I feel like I've known you forever." I give him a pleading look. Earlier I was so against us doing this. What's wrong with me?

"Isaac, I said no. Now get dressed." With that being said he walked out the door. Leaving me cold with my heart slowly breaking at his words.

He doesn't want you, he's probably going to find Allison.

I couldn't stop my thoughts, my mind was racing. He wants Allison, that has to be it. I'm disgusting, I don't deserve him. Slowly, I crumpled to the floor. Sobs racked my body and there was only one thing that could stop them. Him.


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