Chapter 2

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Autumn's P.O.V.

The last words that Kaylee said hung in my head during Homeroom. **I'd Rather Die** I hate it when she says things like that. I couldn't Imagine my life with out her. I mean ya, I would have Bryce, but you have to have a best friend you can talk girl stuff about too. And survive the preps. I could never do that with out  Kaylee. She's the one with the voice, and the Courage to stand up to them.

** BRRRRRIIIINNNNGGG**  The Bell rang to go to 1st period, Science, which was with both Bryce and Kaylee.  Unfortunately  we have all have Science with three of the Preps, Brittany, Jessica, and Lea. It was a good thing any of us didn't have any classes with the head of the preps, Bella. Bella was maybe just about the Nastiest person I had ever met in my life. I don't know how she can even stand being that mean to people, people that had never done anything to her. Bella had her little groupie trained pretty good too. Some people just think Bella's so cool, Normal, regular,people. Bella see's they drool over her and she Drowns them in Makeup Heels, and Low cut shirts. Thats what happened to Brittany, Jessica, and Lea . Now, they're just as bad as she is.

I walked in the door of Mr. Rue's Science class and found  Kaylee and Bryce saving a seat for me at the back lab table. " Long time no see!" I said to them as I plopped down in the seat between them. Bryce gave a tired smile and a yawn. " I see somebody was up late this weekend." I commented as he lied  his head down on the table. 

"Shut up" He Grumbled. The Bell rang  again to announce that everyone should be to their first class. Mr. Rue walked in and started  to explain the experiment we would be doing. I'm pretty good at figuring things out on my own, so I zoned out. I looked to my left and saw Bryce sleeping and to my right where Kaylee was chipping away some old finger nail polish. Then I took a glance at the Preps, Brittany was making pucker faces and glossing her lips, Jessica was filing her nails, and lea had this evil little smirk on her face and Started whispering things in the others ears. I wonder what there up to now... 

"Okay so, thats about it. You may start gathering you things up to start your lab." Mr. Rue said and I zoned back in. I nudged Bryce to wake up.

"Just five more minutes."  he mumbled.

"Come on Sleepy head get up!" Kaylee Chirped messing up Bryce's hair.

"Fine, Fine,Fine" he said, "Anybody know what we're doing"

"Ha No do you think I actually listen on class!!" I said

Lea Swirled around, "I'm pretty sure I know what's going on if you guys want me to help." I shot Kaylee a sideways glance. She looked at me with a confused look on her face. 

"Ummm" Kaylee started, " I think we could figure it--" before Kaylee could even finish her sentance Lea dumped a Beaker of bright red liquid all over my shirt.

"Woops sorry." Lea said making a pouty face. And with a swish of her blonde perfect hair she turned around and sat back down with Jessica and Brittany.

" Oh my gosh! Are you okay Autumn?" Kaylee Asked. "What a brat!!" 

"Ya, I'm fine" I replied  "just lucky it was water and food coloring, instead of something that could've burned my skin."

"I'll get  some paper towels to try to get some of it out." Bryce said.

"What's going on back there guys?" Mr Rue asked

Before any of us could say anything  Lea said, "They spilled the beaker all over the place!!"

"We didn't  spill anything!!" Kaylee exclaimed, "Lea Dumped it on Autumn!!" 

"I would never do anything like that!" Lea protested

"You Liar I just watched you!" said Bryce.

"Okay, guys Okay." said Mr. Rue, "Just clean it up and Everything will be fine."

Kaylee, Bryce and I cleaned up the mess that Lea made. "You know I hate how the Preps NEVER have to do anything and NEVER get in trouble!!" I said "And look at this nasty stain on my shirt! UGHHH!! Sometimes I just HATE them I have never once seen any of them do ANYTHING nice for ANYONE!"

" It makes me sick sometimes" Kaylee agreed 

"Thats a pretty bad stain here borrow my sweatshirt" Bryce said.


"Well thanks for letting me use your sweatshirt Bryce! You guys are the best!! See you at lunch" I told them as we scattered off to our 2nd period. That was something I really meant too they really were the best friends that I could ever imagine. 

Well thanks for reading!!!  I'll try to upload every day! I hope you like it so far :)

Much love <3

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