One Last Shot

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Characters~ Kaylee Cob ~ 13 

                    ~ Bryce Webber~ 13

                    ~ Autumn Sanders ~13

                     ~Shopie Cob~5

                     ~Andrew (Drew) Cob~18

                     ~ Mr and Mrs. Cob

Kaylee's P.O.V.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the 7:30 Alarm went off and I mumbled and grumbled and hit the Clock off. Great, another glum, Monday  I thought as I trudged down the hall to the Kitchen to breakfast. I was greeted by my little sister Shopie "Good Morning Sissy!!" She exclaimed Sitting at the table eating her fruit loops.

"Hey, Shopie" I grumbled back. I went to the cubbard and got out a box of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Dumbed it in the bowl and joined Mom Dad and Shopie at the table.

" How'd you sleep Sweetie?" My mother asked.

"Good," I said, "until That stupid alarm clock went off. Speaking of stupid, where's Drew?"

"I think he's still in bed." Mom replied. "Hey Shopie, Why don't you go wake up your brother?"

"Okay!" Shopie Said and ran down the basement stairs like a little puppy to Drew's room. Sometimes I wish I had as much energy as her when I woke up early. I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get ready for school. I got a pair of jeans and a Hollister on and then Side braided my Blonde hair. Then I heard my phone Buzz. I checked it, it was a text message from my best friend Autumn.  Hey Kaylee! I really need to talk to you before school today. Try to meet me and Bryce out back by the basketball hoops. I replied kk , and went back to preparing myself for my day. I did a quick makeup job with some grey eyeshadow a little mascara and lip gloss, found my black flats,Grabbed my bag and headed out to the living room to see if  everybody else was ready to go. Shopie was in a pink Hello kitty Dress and white Sandles, standing by the door humming a little song. Drew was next to her with his headphones in his ears moving his head to the beat.

"Ready to go guys?" my mom asked grabbing her keys from her purse.

"Yup" We all replied and headed out to the Mini van. Drew beat me to the the front seat, which meant I was stuck next to Shopie in the back. Drew's High School was Closest to the house so that meant he would be dropped off first. It was a pretty typical Monday morning ride eveyone was tired,and quite. Except for Shopie she went on, and on Chatting about a rainbow Unicorn and how he became best friends with a frog. We pulled up to Ceader Ville High and Drew Said a quick Good-bye and joined a group of friends.  Lucky Drew he gets out of Shopies story early, almost there a few more minutes then I can talk to Bryce and Autumn. I thought to myself. 

Within a few more minutes we reached Ceader Jr. High. "Have a Good day Hun," Mom said, "Call me and let me know what your doing after school" 

"Okay, Bye" I said. Shopie paused her story to tell me Good-bye and then went rambling on about unicorns. I slide the van door shut and headed over to the Basketball hoops to see what Autumn wanted. I side my way though the crowds of the people to the way back where Autumn and Bryce were waiting for me. Autumn was trying to keep a straight face, but wasn't doing a very good job,and Bryce was Leaning against the hoop with a basketball Rested on his hip looking a little Confused. I raised one eyebrow and asked Bryce if he knew what was up.

"I have no idea," he replied,  "She won't tell me anything. She wanted to wait until you got here." 

I turned to Autumn "Okay, so what are you up to?" I Questioned.

"Okay, so" She started, "Next weekend for my birthday  Instead of having a big birthday Party like usual, I get to go to Six Flags and invite you guys. Because its my golden 13th birthday."

"Thats Awesome Autumn!" Bryce said

"Ya, wow thanks Autumn!!" I said giving her a quick hug.

"No problem! you Guys are my best friends, who else would I invite? The Preps??" Autumn said pointing her finger over to the girls in Pink with Jeweled Bags and Globs of Make up all over their face.

" I bet you would have fun with them Autumn," Bryce said "being the Tomboy you are"

" Haha, I'd rather Die!!" I said giggling and with that the bell rang and we headed to Homeroom, getting ready for the long Monday ahead of us.

Thank you for reading :) this is my first story and I'd love to hear what you guys think!! Please comment <3 

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