Two {First Feelings}

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A/N: None of these events relate to the people in real life, so don't hate on Robin, he is fictional in this story.

It was too early in the morning to be awake and awaiting the torture that is school, but Harry was still reasoning with himself why he shouldn't skip. He went down his mental list of good things that happened during school and found it not very convincing. The only really good thing that ever happened was getting to hang out with Niall and Liam, who were his only real friends. He was about to go back to sleep, when a thought crossed his mind.

There was another good thing that happened everyday, and that thing was Mr. Tomlinson. A slight shiver ran up his spine at the thought of Mr. T's arms wrapped firmly around him yesterday, and he decided to go to school, instead of skipping it. It would be nice to get out of the hell hole that he called home, his mother would probably give him shit about "being sick" anyway.

Harry stretched his stiff limbs out, ad clambered out of bed. He began to make his way down the hall, towards the bathroom to shower. He was almost inside the bathroom when he heard the soft 'click' of his parents room. He felt ice water fill his veins, as fear gripped his stomach. He was turning to shut the door when a strong had clamped down on his shoulder.

"Where'd you think you're going lad?" A harsh voice tainted with the scent of beer hissed in his ear. Harry felt bile creep into his throat and he swallowed to keep his whimper in.

"I-I'm j-just going t-to shower for sc-school R-robin. P-please give m-me a b-break! I-i'll let you do it l-later, just p-please l-leave me a-a-alone!" He stuttered when he was nervous or upset and it made him feel weak, and sometimes Harry wished he was stronger. Robin laughed harshly in his ear and bit Harry's lobe viciously. Harry cried out, and Robin only laughed harder.

"No Harry. Your mother has gone to work, and I'm feeling needy. Do you feel me Harry? Now, I'm taking you right now." He felt Robin lean into him, and felt his erection on his back. He shuddered in disgust. "You like it don't you queer? And remember, if you tell your mother, I'll hurt her. You just remember that Harry."

Harry felt tears pool in his eyes as Robin lead him into his bedroom. Harry whimpered quietly, but steeled himself for what lay ahead, he knew he had to be strong for his mother. It was just another ordinary day in his sucky life.

Shortly later, Harry arrived in maths class, only a half hour late to school, but still the earliest to class. He skipped the last half hour of free period and went straight to see Mr. Tomlinson. He arrived in the classroom in a flustered mess, tears streaming down his face, limping slightly. He felt so weak, and Mr. Tomlinson said to call anytime, so Harry took this opportunity and taking a calming breath, he let his heart rate slow, and stepped inside the room.

Mr. Tomlinson sat at his desk grading papers, when Harry came bursting into the room, tears streaming down his face, wobbling ever so slightly on his legs. Louis stood quickly, dropping his pen, worry etching into his features. Harry made it four steps into the room and swaying on his feet, collapsed to the floor.

"Harry!" Louis cried out, and dropped to his knees, holding out a hand to help Harry up. He started to pull him up when Harry cried out in pain and released his grip on Lou's hand. He landing on the floor and yelped, his hands traveling to his bum. Lou, terror still pulsing through his veins, raised a confused eyebrow and lifted Harry bridal style and put him in a seat, as gently as possible. Harry's eyes widened, but he made no sound.

"Harry, what the hell happened to you?! Are you okay?" The harshness of Lou's voice made Harry cower into his seat, and he felt hot, wet tears roll down his cheeks. He looked up and his green eyes met Lou's blue ones. His lower lip trembled something fierce, and he took a quivering breath, shaking his head slowly.

"I-I'm a d-d-disgusting p-person L-Louis. I-I'm s-so p-p-pathetic. I c-cant even p-protect m-myself." He broke down, sobs wracking his body, tears streaking his face. Lou's calming voice shushed him gently, his strong hands wiped the tears from Harry's face, and he tucked Harry's head into his chest. Harry felt more comfort than he had in a long time, and his heart soared.

"Harry, what happened? I can only help you if you tell me what you need help with." Harry sighed heavily, and with a heavy heart, explained of his step-fathers abuse, the rape, and the threats. He told Louis of his mother's danger, and how it was his responsibility to keep her safe. He told Louis all of his troubles, and how he would get abuse if anyone found out about his step-father. By the time Harry had finished, he had left Louis speechless.

"Harry. I-I don't know what to say." A long bout of silence enveloped the room, and Harry sat still, listening to Lou's heart beat. Louis shook his head suddenly, and pulled Harry closer to himself. "Shit Harry," he swore, and then he planted a soft kiss on Harry's forehead. Harry felt his heart start to beat faster, and color flooded into his pale cheeks.

"Harry, we're going right now," Louis said suddenly, pulling Harry out of his seat, and Harry felt his legs tremble beneath himself as he let Louis drag him out of the classroom.

"Where are we going Lou?" Harry asked curiously, and Louis turned, the look of fury in his eyes chilling Harry to the bone, his mouth set in a hard line.

"I'm getting myself a substitute, and then we're going to have a 'chat' with your son of a bitch step-father." His voice was hard, and Harry felt a lump set in his throat.

They were going to conquer the beast.

A/N: So whaddya think? Good so far? Please give me feedback! Thanks my lovelies!




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