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Alright! This is my second attempt at a wattpad story, and I hope you guys like it! Share with friends please!

Have you ever felt unwanted? Felt as though you were drowning, caught in a sea of hate and invisibility? Then you know exactly how Harry Styles feels every day of his life. Being a senior in highschool you would think he would be the king, on top of the world. Oh boy, you could never be more wrong.

He is the quiet boy in the back of the class, the one that wears glasses and knows all the answers, the one who daydreams and gets called faggot, gay, homo ,loser.

Nobody knows what he's been through. But Louis can see it in his eyes. Louis Tomlinson, the best maths teacher in the school, teaches Harry and he can't help but notice the pain, and suffering behind those deep, forest-green eyes. But Louis stays quiet, never calling him after class, only watching the boy from afar, waiting for the day, the one fateful day when he will find out the curly haired boy's secrets.

Then, he will find a way to protect him, because something inside Lou tells him that he needs to protect this boy, and he intends to do just that.

A/N: Hopefully you guys like it! Updates at least once a week. Love you all!





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