Four {You Make Me Strong}

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A/N: Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate! To those who don't happy break! It's almost the new year, and I hope everyone had a good 2013, thank you for a year of reads and being amazing! I love you all, Xx.


Harry hated lying to Louis, but it was for his and his mother's own good. If Louis got involved, Robin would most likely kill him, and hurt his mother. But still, the thought of not being honest with Lou was making him feel absolutely sick. He wanted to let it all out, scream at the rooftops, scream at god, Why? Why did he have to suffer? But instead, he just kept quiet. Him and Louis were on their way to Lou's place, where they were going to snuggle and watch a film, because Lou didn't want him to go back to his house, where the monster that was his step-dad lay in wait. They drove along, The Fray playing softly on the radio, when Harry couldn't contain himself anymore.

"Lou?" His quiet voice broke the silence of the car, and Louis turned for an instant to see a distraught look on the younger boy's face.

"Yeah Haz? What's wrong?" His voice was filled with worry and Harry blushed at the combination of the nickname and his worry. He cleared is throat and sighed.

"Well, why do you want to help me? I mean, you could just report my parents to the principal and be done with me, so why are you taking me to your place, and acting like you care?" Harry's voice was strained, and he felt tears prick in his eyes. He couldn't understand why anyone would care for him, after all, his entire life he had been ignored and abused. He felt bile rise in is throat when Louis didn't reply. Lou's face had gone grim, his lips pulling down into a worried frown. He pulled over the car, into a vacant lot that stood completely empty, and stopped the engine. He unbuckled his seat belt and turned so he completely faced Harry.

" You know why I want to help you Harry? Why I care so much? Because you are a kind, quiet, intriguing person. You hide our pain and your problems from everybody, and I feel so, I guess honored that you told me, of all people. You confided in me, and I thought that if you trusted me with this secret, then you probably didn't want the 'authorities' to get involved. Also, and I hope this doesn't freak you out, but I really like you Harry. You make my heart race faster and my blood run hot. Whenever I look at you, I just want to, if you can excuse me for saying this, jump your bones. You're one of a kind, and you drive me wild. I'm not acting either. I really do care for you Harry, you can trust me."

Lou' voice held so much emotion, Harry didn't second guess a word he said. He smiled, and his cheeks flushed bright red. Louis liked him. His perfect, handsome, funny, maths teacher liked him. He could have jumped for joy.

"Y-you like m-me? O-oh, well u-um I-I like you t-too L-Lou." Harry's nerves took over his words, making him tumble and stutter. He blushed an even brighter shade of crimson, and looked down at his feet. He felt the tips of his ears grow hot, and felt Lou's index finger under his chin, lifting his gaze so he was eye to eye with the older lad.

"Don't be embarrassed, Harry. You don't know how happy I am that you have mutual feelings for me. I just- Would you mind if I did something Harry?"

The older lad's voice was gruff with emotion and Harry nodded slowly, hope coursing through his body, his heart beating faster as Louis leaned in closer. His breath smelt of coffee and Listerine mouth rinse, and it tickled Harry's face. Harry gazed into the older lad's light blue orbs, to find that they were speckled with a light green, and they glowed with a hidden nervousness. Their faces grew closer together, until their breaths were mingling, and they could both feel the heat emanating from the other's face.

Their lips were only a centimeter apart, and Harry held his breath, waiting for something he knew was too good to be true. Louis moved again, eliminating the centimeter of space that was between them. Their lips met in a gentle kiss. Harry felt whole again, as he moved his lips slowly against Lou's, tasting what was probably morning coffee, and cherry chapstick. 'Real manly', he thought to himself, but didn't stop, because he didn't really give a shit about what flavor chapstick the older lad wore.

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