Chapter 2: The "F" Word

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Chapter 2

..."Sorry Ian. I see you more as a friend." Lisa utters under her breath, as to make sure that no one else hears but Ian. The "F" word has always haunted Ian like a bad feeling that can never shake at the beginning of a very bad day. Even at the tender age of elementary educational years, Ian wonders what is different about him. He wonders why everyone else has someone that cares for another and he has no one. Ian walks around school with the notion of companionship for other people. He has crushes and admiration for girls, but none for him. Each feeble attempt is shot down by the "F" word. How he dreads the "F" word. Lisa is a girl that is clearly a flirt, even at the young age of seven and eight. Lisa had long black hair, and of Hispanic heritage. Ian was greatly attracted to her because she was simply the popular girl that did not use her popularity as a form of evil. She was down to earth and always took time to care for her friends. Ian could not really this much about Lisa. He just enjoyed her company in class and on the playground. He filled her time with him with laughter and joy. Lisa did the same for Ian. During reading time in the library with Mrs. Smith the librarian, Lisa would sit in front of Lisa, because of the seating arrangement due to the alphabetical order of the class. The only thing Ian cared about was the reading time, but the time would be spent during reading time. Because Lisa sat in front of Ian, she would like him to play with her long black hair. This would let Lisa be at ease with reading time. Ian would seem to be more into Lisa's hair than into the story.

Mrs. Smith asks Ian, "What is the main idea of the last paragraph that I just read?"

"I don't..."

Ian is rudely interrupted by the soft, comforting voice of Lisa as her head is turned over her shoulder, "It's about how Mr. Jones went to see the frogs at the lake to find the prince charming for his daughter."

Lisa's voice was always so comforting and safe. Even when Lisa whispered, she commanded and demanded attention. With all of Ian's attention now focused on Lisa, the librarian asks again with an impatient tone. Ian simply repeats the words spoken to him by the angel that has allowed him to play with her flawless hair. The librarian commended Ian, then Lisa, and asked that we both continue to pay attention to the reading. But Ian and Lisa knew better. They would simply wait for the right time to be out of class at the same time for a common reason, like going to the restroom. They would play in the halls, hand and hand, talk, and joke. For all intended purposes, Lisa and Ian were boyfriend and girlfriend. They were both too young to figure out the actual titles and responsibilities of being in a relationship. Things were simple. They liked each other and that's all that mattered. There was no worrying about meeting the parents, wedding planning, or any of that. Lisa was the first girl to make Ian know that he liked girls.

Breanne was the next girl that Ian finds that he likes. It is through the friendship of Breanne that Ian will find infatuation and heartbreak. He learned how to deal with the other guy. Ian learns how to tolerate other guys in the life of the girl that he is attracted. Breanne is the popular type. She knew everyone and everyone knew her. She was the object of affection for many, if not all of the boys in Ian's class. She physically developed early, and mentally almost matched. She was the type of girl to flirt with no intention of any further growth within a friendship. She is the girl that kept guys like Ian in the friend zone-the zone that has no escape. You were either in the friend zone or not in the friend zone. When in the friend zone, the girl that put you there seems to have a power over you. You crave her attention and take whatever attention you can get from her. Ian was definitely in the friend zone with Breanne. It is with Lisa that Ian was treated as an equal. Because of Ian wanting to be with Breanne, Lisa seemed to have let him go his own way. The hair playing slowed down and the excuses to be in the halls have stopped. Breanne was the new target, the new goal for Ian. They would exchange words in the halls and classes as if they were of importance and life or death information. Ian's infatuation with Breanne has caused him to do things for her that she would never appreciate. Ian would go as far as giving away parts of his lunch, do her homework, and the occasional "you first" when entering doorways or playing on the swing set. Learning new things and trying to fit in would be feeble attempts to impress Breanne. Even when Breanne decided to go for the new guy, Ian was still holding on to hope. His name was Bradley. Bradley moved to the neighborhood from what would seem some far off country, but if California were a country, Bradley would be from it. As a child, for someone to be from such a remote and wondrous place, is a type of celebrity status. Bradley and Breanne were seemed to have been a match for each other. They were both of blonde hair, tan-like skin, and blue and green eyes. It was like the heavens knew of these two so early that having them meet later in Life would be a cruel punishment to each of them. Breanne seemed to have wanted Bradley like Ian wanted Breanne. So with that in mind, everyone knew what was going to happen. Ian would be the one that is pushed aside, while Breanne and Bradley lived happily ever after in the third grade...

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