Chapter 2

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I've been a nervous wreck ever since Michael told me that I had a daughter. Was it even true? How come no one told me?

I had millions of question burning in my head. I just couldn't wrap myself around that fact that I had a daughter. I bit my nails all the way down to the skin and couldn't stop myself from pacing the room. I had been pacing for the last hour and felt like I was stuck inside my own head.

There was a soft knock on my door, which I sprinted across my room to open, jumping over the many things that scattered the floor. I didn't even look through the peep hole, I just ripped open the door.

"Michael?" I said in disbelieve. I definitely thought that he wouldn't want to see me after what had gone down about an hour ago.

"Luke, before you get mad I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that you had to find out that way," Michael said, studying my face closely.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I questioned, letting my fingers slide through my hair. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke, wondering what exactly to say.

"I am giving you the choice to come back with me now or wait for Ashton to come get you. If Ashton has to get you, you know damn well that he will be pissed and you do not want to see him that way." I didn't answer... more like I didn't know what to answer.

Michael pushed past me and went straight into my bedroom. I could hear him opening and closing draws, but I didn't want to go in there with him. I knew what he was doing, but didn't have the effort to go and stop him. I was stuck in a haze and couldn't clear my brain.

Michael came out with a big suitcase and a couple of other things that he thought I would need. My thoughts were eating my brain and I couldn't focus. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything.

He led me downstairs and into a big black limo, which the driver opened the door as soon as he saw us. Michael handed him my suitcase and got into the limo.

"Luke, are you going to get into the limo?" Michael asked, just a little too sharply. I needed answers and I wanted them now.

"Only for answers," I bargained, ducking my head down so I could see him. Michael tugged his lower lip into his mouth.

"Fine." I slowly got into the limo and slid so I sat across from Michael. I rested my elbows on my knees and stared at him. "For right now, I will answer two questions and that's it." He tapped his knee with his finger while he waited for me to ask him a question.

I thought for a little bit as searching for the right question to ask. There were so many that it was difficult to find just two that I wanted to ask. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Hayden told us not to tell you because she was waiting for the right time. And she wanted to be the one to tell you," he simply said, like it was no big deal, but it was a big deal. It was a big deal for me. I shook my head slowly in disbelief. "Or maybe it was the fact that she had called you multiple times, but you being a dick didn't answer your phone."

It was true.

Whenever I saw her name show up on my phone screen I hit the ignore button. I never even gave her a chance when I should have.

I backtracked a little bit too when he said us. "Are you saying that Ashton and Calum know about this too? That I have a daughter?" He nodded his head slightly.

"I can't believe you guys!" I grumbled. It was no use getting angry with him, so I tried my best to remain calm.

"If your life would have taken a different turn, you probably would have already met your daughter." Again, Michael was right. Why did I take the wrong way when they were all going the right way? "Are you going to ask your other question?"

"Oh, yeah...uh, when did you find out that she had a daughter?"

"I found out about two years ago. The same time we had to take a break from being a band, because of your behavior." I could see that Michael was starting to get upset with me, but at the same time he felt bad from keeping such a big secret from me.

"Well, on that case, do you have some alcohol that I could drink? I'm really thirsty." Some alcohol could help the migraine that I had from last night.

"The only thing you're going to be drinking from now on is water. I don't ever want to see you drink alcohol again," Michael replied, pulling out his phone, dialing someone's number. I let out a huff of annoyance. "Hi, can I please have someone come to apartment number 507 A? ...Yes, and can you also have someone do it in the next hour? ....thank you and please watch out for the broken glass on the floor in one of the bedrooms....bye."

"Was that really necessary?" I scoffed, crossing my arms in the process. The limo pulled in front of an airport and stopped.

"What? Having someone clean your apartment? It's a complete mess. Maybe for once you should try saying thank you," Michael huffed, getting out of the limo.

What an ass; trying to tell me what to do. I can say what I want, whenever I want. He should be saying thank you to me for having come with him when I didn't want to. I sighed heavily as I climbed out of the limo and grabbed my suitcase.

Soon enough we were on a private jet flying all the way to Australia. I was sitting right across from Michael. He was reading a magazine as I glared at him.

"Can I help you?" Michael asked kindly, not looking up from his magazine. I studied him and tried to think of something clever to say.

"Yes, yes you may."

"Alright, what do you need help with?"

"Wondering why you're such a dick." I smirked.

"Well, considering you're the one who yelled at the flight attendant and almost made her cry when she put ice in your water when you told her not to, you tell me," he murmured, looking up from his magazine.

"Whatever. I'm taking a nap."

When I closed my all I could think about was Hayden and my supposed to be daughter. I knew this would be a long flight home.

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