New School, Old Faces

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*Ring Ring*

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I looked at my phone and saw the time. 6:30 am.

"Why am I waking up so early?" I asked myself. Then I remembered, today was Monday. It's my first day of school. I spent the whole day yesterday talking with Scar, so I forgot I had school today. We reminisced about our past, and she told me what happened after I left. I'm just glad she didn't ask about my parents, but I know that it's gonna come up soon. I had so much fun last night, I'm happy I met her again. "Well, I better get ready and wait for Scar." It took me 30 minutes to take a shower and get all my stuff ready. I was about to start getting my breakfast ready when I remembered my deal with Scar. I took my bag, headed over to Scarlet's room and knocked on her door.

"Ugh, who is it?" A voice said from inside

"It's me, Crimson. Open the door Scar." I waited a while, and nothing happened. I started to bang on her door. "Scarlet! Open up! I'm starving out here!"

"Hang on!!" I waited again and she finally opened her door. When I saw her, I almost busted out laughing. Her hair looked like the bride of Frankenstein's hair, and she was still wearing her pajamas. It was clear she was still half asleep.

"Dude, it's 7. Don't you think you should be ready?" I asked.

"Oh crap! That's right we have school!"

At that moment I actually started to laugh. I never knew that Scarlet was so forgetful.

"Alright, go take a shower, I'll make breakfast." I said as I walked into her room. Her room was pretty big so she had a lot of big stuff. She just had a few books on the floor beside her bed, a stove in a corner, a microwave, a toaster, a table in the middle of her room, her drawer off to the side, and a PC.

"Thanks so much Crim! I'll be ready in 10."

She ran to the shower, and I walked over to her fridge to see what I could make. I saw some eggs and some bread. "Scrambled eggs and bread it is." Once finished making the food and put it on the table, Scarlet walked out of the washroom with her uniform on, and her holding a towel. But her hair was still soaking wet.

"Ouu that smells good!" She said not noticing her hair

"Yea but I'd rather not have water on it!" I said running over to her, taking her towel and started drying her hair. "Even after 10 years I'm still taking care of you."

"Hey, I can take care of myself! I just have trouble waking up in the morning!" She obviously wanted me to wake her up in the mornings.

"So you're saying, you're gonna need someone to wake you up in the morning?" I finally finished drying her hair. It smelled really nice. Must be her shampoo.

"Yessss. So I'm appointing you as that person!"

"Fine, but you're gonna owe me Scar."

"Sure! Anyway, let's go eat. You don't want to be late on your first day."

When we finished eating breakfast, Scarlet lead the way towards the school. I never visited the school, I just sent in my application and got an email saying I got accepted, so this is going to be my first time seeing it. We took a bus that dropped us off at the front gates of the school. Yea I said gates. This school was huge! It had giant metal gates and walls that surrounded the entire area. There were three separate buildings. One on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right.. The left one looked like a gym area, and the other two looking like the actual school.

"You look a little surprised Crim. It's like you've never seen the school before."

"Well I haven't." She looked at me and looked surprised as well

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