British, Hot, Dangerous? How can I resist?! part sixx

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I went home in a daze. I just didn't want to talk. I trudged to my room and slammed the door. I closed all the blinds and kept the light off. My bed never looked so inticing. I threw myself on the bed and sighed. I knew being here was a bad idea. I knew I would of been safe if I stayed home, back where I belong. Without all these weird encounters, mood swings and passing out. It was really getting to me. I feel so much emotion and then...none at all. I turned over to my right and opened my night stand draw to get my diary out. Might as well write all my feelings down. I turned to the next clean page and grabbed my pen. I went blank. There was no need for me to go blank but I did and it scared me. Not the writers block blank but the actual being of blank. I was paralyzed. I couldnt do anything but I could think it. I layed there and stared at the blank pages of the lines until it all became a blur. Shit! my eyes are starting to burn from not blinking but i cant move them. Its like my brain isnt connected to my nerves anymore. I began to panic. How long is this going to go on?

I heard something at my window. A pebble being thrown. I couldnt move to get up!

Tap! Tap!...Tap!

The tapping stopped after a mintue. Suddenly the door to my balcony opened. Someone walked in. I couldnt move my neck to see who or speak to ask. It was frightening. Then I saw a face appear in my tunnel vision. I CAN MOVE MY EYES! I blinked a few times to take the blur away and then I saw that it was Galiyus. Crap! He crawled ontop my bed with a smile on his face. He waltzed to my bed and opened my legs. He crawled closer, in between them. What was he doing?! He said nothing. Just stared into my eyes. My right had with the pen began to itch, twitch and ache. Like in the art room. Instantly, my hands grazed across the page of my journal. My eyes still on his. He put a hand to my cheek and kiss me softly on my forehead. I was still sketching. My arms got tired cos I was doing it so fast, so fluently. Finally I looked down at the journal but he slapped it across the room. I stared at him in disbelief and realized i was finally able to move on command. Thank God. He kissed me again. Roughly. It hurt a little and his teeth smashed against mine which felt uncomfortable than what I'm use to. His hand held my jaw and craddled it. He had some serious hormone problems. He licked his lips and so did I for some reason. He reached out for my neck and charged at it like a hungry animal. I was his pray, atleast thats what it felt like. No feeling, then a stinging pinch like a bee sting. I felt weak and felt him. Galiyus all over again, like his energy flowing through me and making me weak. I never bled more than a drop or two and I knew he wasnt actually sucking my blood but doing something else. I just dont know what yet. His huge hands slid to my lower back and hoisted me up slowly while he did whatever he was doing to me. Sucking out my energy, maybe thats what he was doing.

Shhh sweet one, I can't concentrate.

I stopped thinking but wanted to know more. I knew it was going to be a struggle to get this out of him but he seems to be in a good mood. Maybe it won't be so hard. He broke off from me and smiled. He looked happy and pleasant.

"Come with me. I want to be with you tonight." He breathed. I sighed. I can't leave my house for the night, I would definatey get caught and its a school night.

"I can't. I will get caught. I have to stay here." I explained. His amazing face creased into a frown. I wanted that to change. I didn't want to cause him to be upset in anyway now. This is so weird, Its like he changed my whole mood.

"Then I'm staying here with you." He said a matter-of-factly. I had no problem with that. But I had to be realistic cos from the looks of it, he looked more in the clouds than myself.

"But what if we get caught?"

"We wont."

"But what if we do?"

"But what if we dont?"


"Fine. Okay. But don't you need clothes?"

"There are on the your balcony." He said it as if he just remembered and walked out. This gave me time for a breather, and a quick run to the bathroom to see my hair! I causally strolled back into the room and saw him laying on my bed. He was in a towel and thats it. My heart skipped a beat because i had no idea what this guy was planning. He didnt seem to realize I was in the room with him beacuse he was texting on his phone.

"Galiyus? Why are you in a towel?" I asked slowly.

"Cause I need to tak a shower. Come on." He waltzed over to the bathroom while pulling my arm. I followed stumbling trying to match his gracefulness. He closed the door and pushed me against the door. He began with my shirt.

British, Hot, dangerous? How can I resist?!Where stories live. Discover now