Chapter 3

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Katelyns pov

2 weeks after the accident, my rib had finally healed, and I was back to my normal routine. Tonight, is the night for Steffens party, and the after is my birthday. After a long time of waiting I will finally find my mate.

"Katelyn come in here" I hear Steffen yell from the living room.

"yes, what can I do for you alpha" I ask even though his not the alpha before tomorrow.

"I need you to get more cake from the baker" "alright alpha I'll go when I have finished the dishes"

"No, I'll get someone else to do it, just get the cake"

"Okay alpha" I say a bit shocked. I mean he has never done something like that before, never. He would always ask me to finish my other chores first. I better just get going before he changes his mind.

After arriving to the city, I drive down the road to the baker.

"Liv are you in here" Liv was one of my only friends.

"Yea just one moment Kate." Yes, she calls me Kate. Liv and Lukas both do as they are my after all friends. "Alright here I am Kate what can I get you?" Liv asks, "A cake to the pack" yes, she know about werewolf's, she is one herself. But she doesn't live in a pack, she is a nomad, which just means she choose not to be in a pack, but she's not wild or feral like a rouge.

"Oh yes here it is" Liv holds up the cake for me to see. Its big and beautifully crafted with wolves up the sides howling to the wolf at the top of the cake.

"Thanks Liv you're the best" I tell her with a big smile.

"Tell me something I don't know Kate." She tells me with a smirk.

"Bye Liv" with a wave I was out the door. Before I go home I need to Steffen gift, if I don't give him a gift he'll become mad and beat me up as a gift to himself from me. I don't want to lay in bed on my birthday, without being able to move.

I drive to the wine shop, where I get him some wine, hoping he would get so drunk of it, he would do something stupid and not become alpha.


Yay it's party time for everyone but me, what fun. But luckily tomorrow, the only thing I need to do is to clean up after the party, after that I have the rest of the day to do what I want.

"Katelyn" Steffen yells from his room, "yes alpha?" "You and Lukas are going to stay in the guest room, so you don't have an excuse for going out of the room. Do you understand?" "Yes alpha" My own room don't have a bathroom, and most guest rooms have a tee kitchen.

"Good, now go out and find Lukas then, go to the room where someone is going to lock." After he said that I was of. The faster I could get Lukas, the more time we would get to ourselves. And when we are in the guest room under orders from the alpha, no one is going to disturb our relaxation. After all that would force the rest of the party goers to spend some time in my presence.

After finding Luke we headed towards to guest room, it is a nice guest room with bedroom and bathroom plus a little the kitchen like I had expected, all in all a very nice place. I asked one of the other pack members to give Steffen the wine. So now me and Luke are watching some tv, and just relaxing from the stress of everything.

We can clearly hear the party downstairs, it didn't sound like something I would like. I have never been the one for parties and such.

There weren't much in the tv, so we decide to just watch aDVD, we decide on Docter DoLittle, it was so fun how he could understand the animals.

After watching a few more movies we decided to just go to bed. After all it has been a long day.


So what do you Think, is it good or bad? I would Like to know what you think please comment, and you are welcome to give some good ideas about what is going to happen.


The chapter was edited 11-09-2017

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