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Hello my lovely readers. I have exciting news, The Elemental Werecat is getting a revamp. I have been working on bettering it, better fleshed out people, a more cohesive storyline. We are also going to be going deeper into the universe in which the story takes place.
The first chapter will be posted sometime next week.

As an extra bonus The Elemental Werecat got picked up by a publisher so it will only be the first chapter that is available here on Wattpad (the last chapter of this book). The rest of the story can be found on the app Hinovel under the same name, I will also be posting a link with the First chapter so you have easier access. 

So thank you guys for all of your support throughout the years and I hope at least some of you will checkout the new version ^.^ Also do let me know what you think. I like hearing from you my lovely readers.

Regards Maria  

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