Chapter 1: Prolouge: Releasing The Hounds

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Chapter 1: Prologue:

Releasing the Hounds

Horror fans, friends and whoever out there, I present to my first horror story entitled Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael: Slashdown which, as you all can guess, is a sequel to Freddy vs. Jason. It stars slasher icons Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and last but totally not the least, Michael Myers as they all take each other on in this thrilling and suspense story. Enjoy the fights and slashes to the very end.

Summary: Freddy sends both Jason and Michael to Elm Street to do his work for him, but just like last time, his plan backfires and this sends all three killers into a brutal battle for bloodshed.

Disclaimer: I don't own Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Halloween.

Note: This takes place just a year after Freddy vs. Jason and For Michael's sake of a timeline, this story takes place many years after Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. Whenever I show a line in Italic, it normally represents a flashback to a movie.

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael: Slashdown

"Kids, you can't live with them, you can't live without 'em." A man of 5'11 stature said. This was no ordinary man as he had horribly burnt skin with a demonic appearance with serrated teeth. He wore a brown fedora along a red and dark green striped sweater and black trousers with worn black work shoes.

Most distinctively, the man had a glove with metal claws on each finger that shimmered dangerously on his left hand and he paced back and forth. Freddy Krueger was pissed at his failure of scaring Elm Street with Jason Voorhees, whose mind he was angrily trapped in.

Freddy kills Glen Lantz by dragging him into his bed and drains all of his blood before shooting it into the air.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part one.

Freddy takes out Ron Grady by slashing his torso through a door.-A Nightmare on Elm part 2: Freddy's Revenge.

Freddy kills Nancy by gutting her with his bladed glove.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 3: Dream Warriors.

Freddy tosses Kristen Parker into a furnace in the dream world and burns her alive.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 4: Dream Master.

Mark Gray is turned into paper and slices into pieces by Freddy.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 5: The Dream Child.

John Doe's parachute is cut by Freddy and he falls onto a bed of spikes in the dream world.-Freddy Dead: The Final Nightmare.

Mark Davis' body is burned alive and he is finished off by a slash to the face.-Freddy vs. Jason

"Well, I need them. They always thought they could get rid of me but they were dead wrong!" Freddy said as he thought back to his previous defeats.

Nancy making Freddy vanish by turning her back on him-A Nightmare on Elm Street part one.

Jesse and Lisa making Freddy stop possessing the former.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part two: Freddy's Revenge.

Nancy stabbing Freddy with his own glove and his vanishing after his skeleton is given a funeral- A Nightmare on Elm Street part 3: Dream Warriors.

Alice making Freddy vanish by showing him his reflection and making him lose the souls of his dream victims.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 4: The Dream Master.

Alice trapping Freddy's soul inside his mother's ghost.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 5: The Dream Child.

Maggie/Kathryn guts Freddy with his glove and slams a pipe bomb into his heart, which blows him to pieces.-A Nightmare on Elm Street part 6/Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare.

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