Chapter 1

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Fifteen minutes till this class ends, I can't wait that long. For some reason being at school is no longer something I love. I'm constantly drained, what's a girl got to do to be happy?

"Casey are you paying any attention to today's lesson? If not, then thirty percent of your grade will be taken into affect."

"Yes Mrs. Crayton, I understand. I'll pay very close attention."

"You're not done here, have you apologized to the class?"

"No Mrs. Crayton."

"Well what are you waiting for, they're waiting."

She then had me pissed.

"I apologize class." I can tell that she wants me to say more, I can see it in her face.  So I do. "For dissrupting your learning period." And I can tell they're the ones whose sorry, sorry for me.

               *      *      *      *

When I get home I can almost smell it. Smell that horrible smell of pain. It always grasps a hold to me. I just hope I'm home alone, and I am. So I head upstairs to my room, grab the book I'm currently reading and my Ipod touch from the table.

Before I make it to my room I'm looking at the bathroom. I enter. It still had last week's stain, crimson red right there on the white and silver tiles. The stain would never be removed, always there to haunt me. I turn to the toilet and take a quick pee. After, I go to the sink to wash my hands and look up at the mirror. Nothing too big to trip over, but a small marking across my face. "I'll get through this." I said to myself.

I hear the door, wonder whose home. I hear heels, it's mom.

"Casey are you home?"

"Yes mother, I'm just washing my hands. I'll be down in just a minute." Though I'd rather not.

"Well hurry, I have a surprise for you."

Really mother, do you really have a surprise for me. I doubt that. I want to tell her that, but I don't. I just hurry down the steps into the kitchen.

"Oh Casey, the beautiful child that I have conceived."

I don't think she means it, but she just continues.

"So about that surprise, I know how much you like Carnations. So I brought you a beautiful bouquet."

No mother, you do, but again I just say it in my head.

"Thanks." I manage to get out.

"And I even got your favorite color red."

"Mom. My favorite colo......"

I start to tell her I love yellow and I hate red. It reminds me to much of.........

Thanks again mom.

"Has your father called?"

"No, but I think he is now."

I point to the answer machine. It's him alright.

Jenna I'll be home late tonight, he says. "I have to pull extra hours since I fired Kate today."

Mother quickly answered the phone. "I told you that girl wasn't worth much when you hired her, but no you insisted on her because she had that "Quality Spark" you look for in your employees. What did I tell you, I never liked her."

Why because you're jealous. Jealous that she is younger than you and pretty at that. I have no idea why you guys bang up against her anyway. She hasn't done anything or at least I havn't seen her do anything. Kate is really super nice and very  extremely smart, but not smart enough to figure that my dad's wasn't a good place to work. I liked her. When I visited my dad's job I'd always stop by her office to talk. We'd talk endlessly about nothing until my dad would call e in or tell her to get back to work. Never mind it's more like screaming to get back to work.

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