Chapter 2

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You good Casey? Chrissy asks.

I mean yea it's just, my parents are so controling you know.

No offence, but everyone knows.

Non taken, it's true. It just bothers me to know I have to deal with that for two more years.

You'll figure it out. Hey have you thought about what you want to do for your part of the dance routine?


Show me.

Of course not, you've got to wait till it hits the stores. Omg! Like those crazy hot black knee boots.

Heck yea, well I got to go we'll talk later.

K, bye.

Bye. I've always been able to talk to Chrissy, she's been my best friend since 2nd grade. There still isn't stuff I tell her, stuff I can't seem to tell myself. I pick at my lunch just thinking of it.

My phones vibrates. Hey girly. Up for some action, it's him.

I reply, Kinda busy.

He texts back, Drop it. I'll pick you up in a after school.

I cringe instantly, then get a flashback.

Casey come on, it won't hurt you.

I don't care and it will. I'm not doing it.

Yes you are. Now bring your ugly ass over here.

The bell rings to let me know lunch is over. I'm at my locker.

I thank the bell to let it end quickly and I open my eyes to make sure it's not happening, again. When I turn around I see Joel. Looking at him changes everything. When I see him I see hope, but I guess he figures I'm starring at him. He turns my way and throws a quick wave. Hi Casey.

Hi Joel!

You guys cheering half-time? He asks.

Of course, why wouldn't we?

Don't know, I just know I can't wait.

Nor can I, I say excited.

So you want to hang out after school?

I can't I have plans, not my plans, but plans. So sorry, I would love too.

It's cool, but you can call anytime.

Ok I sure will, thanks for understanding. I find myself blushing.

No problem, but you got my number right?

I check my phone. Um well no, I guess not.

Again no problem, take this down.

He gives me his number.

Bye Cas, is that okay with you? Can I call you that.

Sure, bye. I smile and so does he.

Another bell rings for my next period.

I walk swiftly to class. I enter quietly to take my seat. Mr. Gyles walks in.

Good afternoon everyone, happy to see you. I doubt it. I have an exciting assignment for you all and I really hope you enjoy it. If not I'll understand if you find it boring because it's really nothing. He mumbles I've only put a lot of thought into it. Then continues out loud. My previous classes have enjoyed it. I don't want to bore anyone so without further or do....your exciting assignment. He gestures to the table in the front of the class. I must have failed to notice it when I walked into class, I say silently.

Yea me too, Carie walks by and says. Maybe she heard me.

When I walk to the table I see alot of stuff, this does look awfully fun. Mr. Gyles must hear me because he walks over and says thanks.

Class goes by. Two hours til I get to go home, oh joyyyy. Damn school is really starting to tick me off. Next is art, so I head down the hallway and take a left. No one is here except me and Ms. Cam.

Hey Casey, hows your day been going.

Good, I answer and only because it has.

Great because today you'll love what assignment I have planned for you guys. What's with teachers today and these fun assignments.

But I only come to say, So what is the assignment?

A surprise. I gawk at her. She opens her mouth, only because she notices my expression.Well since you're the first one here I guess I can tell you. It's a project that shows skill and inspiration, you know? I look at her confused. You will paint an picture of something that inspires you or you know gets you going.

Oh. Others walk in, she looks excited.

Oh goody. Ms. Cam explains it to everyone else. They seem pretty excited, I don't know why because if they read books.....ha please who am I kidding. If they watch movies they should know art teachers tend to do that, but what do I know this is an AP art class. And I'm out it when I hear Ms. Cam say Go!

And btw class this is a project, so

you have two and a half weeks. Now, Go!

It isn't long before school ends so I run to my locker and grab my books. I'm sore as hell. Freak why do I have gym as my last class? I walk out the school and it's no surprise when I see him. Dammit. I just keep swearing to myself as he approaches me.

Hey girly. Damn my parents and their, I know what's best for you ways. I stare at him.

Hi, I manage.

You gonna get in or stare at me. I prefer neither. Uh, I told you I had important stuff to do Charles

Well what will your parents think? My education is more important.

I doubt that, you know they want us to get married right, they think it will make you come to uour senses and be the amazing smart daughter they've always wanted. To hell with them and what they think of me, what kind of parents are they?


I just talked to your mom, she says you are to come with me. Uggh I really do hate them. I know it's wrong, but they put me through so much. Whatever.

Don't sass me girl.

You're not my father. Though I wouldn't give him power over me either, even if he is my father.

You better listen, now shut up and get the hell in.


Didn't I say shut up. I'll die early living this life. I just suck it up and hop in. Charles is only three years older than me. My parents had arranged for us to date. I hate him, again wrong, but he deserves it for what he's done.  I stop thinking and it's not so long before he talks anyway.

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