Twenty Three - Up in Da Club

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Pulling up to the club was an experience in itself. After a quick round of pre-drinks, Dan, Phil and myself piled into the taxi and raced to the destination.

I handed the driver a handful of change and flopped out of the vehicle. Both the boys swiftly followed me. The buzz of the alcohol in my system combined with the pounding bass of the music was enough to make any thought slip away from my mind. 

"To the bar!" Phil pointed and ran into the entrance. He was quickly blocked by a hefty man, Phil almost fell back down the stairs due to being knocked off balance.

"Woah, easy there sunshine. Got some ID?" The bouncer's voice boomed over the music. Phil's face transformed to a vibrant shade of red as he rummaged through his pockets.

"Yeah, of course.." He murmured. All three of us shone him our passports before he stepped aside.

"Jesus Christ Dan, I can't hear myself think!" I exclaimed. Dan chuckled and looked down at me as we walked through to the main room.

"What?" He shouted and smirked. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm playfully at his stupid joke. "Good, that's why we're here, isn't it?" His articulate voice questioned in my ear.


Within the space of a couple of hours, might I say that all three of us were pleasantly intoxicated. Although I was quite proud to say that out of us, I was the most sober. Those losers obviously can't handle their drink.

"Hey Charlie-Warleyy~" Dan slurred next to me. I smiled awkwardly as he wrapped his hands around my waist. In his drunken state, he peppered light, sloppy kisses down my neck making me cringe.

"Okay Dan, I think it's time to go home" I announced, prying his face from my neck. He whined as I grabbed his hand and led him out of the club. My ears were ringing once we had escaped the sweaty cavern of drum and bass.

The streets of London were cold and empty at this time of night, the only signs of inhabitance were the occasional cars that whirled past. Silence struck upon the pair of us. We loosely held hands, Dan swaying a little and hiccuping quietly to himself. I giggled at his messy state.

Dan's hair was fluffed up, tangled curls now replacing his once straight and intricately positioned mop. His top button was undone, allowing him to push out his double chins when he noticed me staring. Oopsie.

After a cab was hauled, we gradually made our journey back home

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After a cab was hauled, we gradually made our journey back home. I clumsily threw some change at the poor cabbie and Daniel and I stumbled back into our empty flat.

Since I was the most sober out of the two of us, I commanded Dan to head to bed while I grabbed us a glass of water each and some pills, ready for the morning ahead of us.

I gently pushed open the bedroom door with my butt, it gliding open and pouring light into the faintly lit room. Light snores erupted from the bed, letting me know that Dan was fast asleep in his drunken state.

His pillow was smushed against his face and his hair fell over his eyes, his hand hanging limply off the side of the bed. "Goodnight to you too, Dan" I smirked and giggled before placing down two pills and his water on his side of his bed and hopping into my side. Dan instinctively hugged around my waist, sending me into a deep slumber.


I woke up greeted by the familiar tune of Dan's light snores next to my ear. I groaned and slowly sat up. The pounding in my head was expected and I took a massive gulp of the water that sat next to me, along with the couple of tablets I laid out last night.

"Thank God my drunken self thought ahead.." I muttered and hauled myself out of Dan's bed. I grabbed a nearby jacket that I had left lying on the floor to ease the cool air that struck on my arms.

My feet shuffled along the chilly, wooden floor as I groggily made it to the kitchen. Flicking on the kettle, I was about to grab a mug when I heard the discreet shutting of the front door.

My head poked around the corner and to my surprise, an easily recognisable figure stood in the doorway, face full of shame.

"Phil?" I asked. His head lifted slowly allowing me to identify the droopy bags under his pale eyes. "You stayed out.. all night?" He simply nodded and pulled a hand across his face.

"Wow, I didn't know my brother was such a player" I smirked and continued to make my beverage, this time pulling out two mugs from the cupboard.

Hey bitches.

It has been increasingly obvious to me that this seems to be my most chilled out book in terms of writing and updates. Not strictly a bad thing, but yeah:)

Also sorry for the short and crappu update.. writer block hits harddddd (like your mum)

Okay srs bsns,

Add my Tuber Simulator!


It's a name from one of my very first fan fictions that I published like 2 years ago lol. I liked it and it fits together well so stfu.

And something random but this is literally the type of notes that I write at the end of an unfinished and unpublished chapter..

And yeah, I had to scribble some of that out because I changed around some ideas and that would be a *SPOILER!!1!* so be thankful I'm considerate okay?

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And yeah, I had to scribble some of that out because I changed around some ideas and that would be a *SPOILER!!1!* so be thankful I'm considerate okay?


Lol, bye

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