The Gorgins

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She ran and ran. Her torn clothes were caked with dirt and tears made clean strokes on her face."I'm never going to make it," Cynthia said as she collapsed onto the ground," They're going to catch me and I'm going to die!" She covered her mouth and sobbed.

"What are you thinking?" a voice said.

She looked around the dull forest. "W-w-whose there?"

"Up here." the voice screeched.

She looked up to find a crow. "Oh no! Crows are bad luck! I really am going to die aren't I?" She cried some more.

"Little girl stop crying! And stop believing in those stupid myths too!" it cawed.

Cynthia stopped crying.

"Here I am trying to help you and you're calling me bad luck!" the crow flapped its wings angrily.

"Listen. Sitting here isn't going to help you at all."

Cynthia cowered with fear.

"At this point, they'll catch you and we're wasting time talking so just listen," the crow continued," Go to the nearest lake, drop your necklace in and say, 'I give this token in trade for -"

Cynthia interrupted," How do you know who's after me?"

"Oh please every living thing knows who they are. They destroy anyone and anything. They are powerful but have tiny brains so the king can make them his minions." the crow shook his wings.

"Now listen because we really don't have time!"

"Wait! I can't put this necklace in! My mother gave it to me."

The crow folded its wings and replied," It's your choice whether you want to follow my instructions or not. Is it going to be your life or the necklace? I will say it once more and do not interrupt."

Cynthia nodded.

"Put the necklace in and say, 'I give this token in trade for safety.' A whirlpool will appear and you have to jump in."

Her eyes widened.

"As soon as you jump in, you won't feel any water, and instead you appear in a dungeon. A pretty girl will come and offer you help, but don't accept! Instead reply, 'I'm waiting for something.' She will leave and an old women will say,' You have a night.' You will then stay the night, and be wise about your time! Make some sort of a plan."

"A d-d-dungeon?"

"It's better than nothing. Also, it will have a bed, but don't lie on the bed because it will have spikes that will instantly puncture you."

Cynthia opened her mouth to speak but the crow flew away while wishing her good luck.

She ran to the nearest lake and hesitated. Cynthia finally decided to drop the necklace in.

Exactly like the crow said, a whirlpool appeared; she jumped in, and appeared in a dungeon.

She was still getting use to the cold hard ground, when a pretty girl came.

Her eyes were a sharp blue so white, you would mistake it for glass. The colors kept churning and changing like the waves of the ocean. They were so pretty to look into.

"I can help get you out." the girl said in the most beautiful voice in the world.

"Ok.", Cynthia nodded her head.

"Anything for you. Your-", she broke out of the trance.

"I'm sorry. I'm waiting for something."

The pretty girl nodded but pouted. She looked so sad.

"You really want to help me?"

"Yes.", the pretty girl answered.

"Ok then. Help me get out of here and run away from the-"

"Say no more!" the girl smiled.

She left and returned with a key.

"Where'd you get that?"

"I stole it from the witch."

"You mean the old woman?"

"Yes! But she's a witch! Every night, she eats anyone who rests here, even though they gave a fair trade. I am her servant. Every day I have to watch people die, while I have the power to do something. But no one accepts my help." the pretty girl exclaimed.

"The crow told me not to accept your help!" Cynthia shouted.

"Keep your voice down. The crow?!! So that's how she gets people not to listen to me. You must know better than to listen to crows! They work for the witch."

Cynthia gasped.

"I knew there was something wrong! The crow offered me help without getting anything in return." she sighed.

"Yes. Now let me get you to a safer place. Come." the pretty girl led Cynthia through a hallway.

"What's your name?" Cynthia asked.


"That suits you."

"Thank you."

The pretty girl abruptly shoved Cynthia's hands behind her back and forced her onto her knees.

"Too bad we can't be friends!"

"Wait, what are you doing?!!"

A short, red eyed monster, with razor sharp teeth and green, slimy skin came forward.

"No! No! You led me directly to them."

The monster laughed.

"You are free to go."

"T-Thank you", the girl blankly said and then she left.

Cynthia struggled but could not get out of the chains the girl wrapped around her.

The crow flew in and cawed," You should have listened to me girl! For they are my enemy too."

He flew beside her and started pulling at the chains.

The monster hammered the crow with his fist.

"No!!!!!!" the girl cried.

The monster started yanking off feathers.

The crow cried and cried.

The girl yanked and pulled," No!!!!" She started bawling.

"I'm sorry! I should've listened!!" she sobbed.

"It's too late now." Cynthia sniffed.

The monster threw the crow towards her and it landed beside her. Only patches of feathers were left and it was covered in blood.

The crow opened its eyes.

She gasped.

"Tell me one thing little girl."

She nodded vigorously.

"All my life I've been called bad luck." it took a big breath.

"Is that....true?" the crow struggled.

The girl shook her face that was now soaked in tears.

A single tear went down the crow's face. "Thank you.", and with those words, he closed his eyes for the last time.

Hot, angry tears streamed down Cynthia's face.



The monster evilly laughed. More monsters appeared.

"You can't even think." Cynthia sighed in defeat.

All of the monsters said the only phrase they were trained to say when their enemies were defeated.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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