Dangerously Exciting

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Chapter 2

"I kinda want to come up to those people and tell them that kidnapping little children isn't our thing."

"Maybe you should. I think they're calling 911." Emily said trying to pull me out of the car.

"It didn't work the first time, it's not going to work the 10th time." I bluntly told her, grabbing onto the dashboard. 

"I know but I really want you to get out of my car" she whined, pulling on my arm.

I shake my head, I don't want a death wish! If I go out there to the cruel world, I'll make another fool out of myself in front of Dylan. It's bad enough I couldn't say a word to him back in cafe place, now let alone talking. But again, if I don't meet him, that's mean I stood him up. That would make me look even worse...

"Okay okay!" I said in defeat, "I'll get out so... now let go of me."

"For real?" She said letting go of my arm immediately. I didn't except her to let go so fast, so I slam my whole side on the dashboard.

"For real." I said groaning from the impact. Emily gives me an apologetic smile before taking my hands, and pulling me up.

"Operation: Hailey is not dying alone is a go! " She said smirking. I was about to tell her that I won't be dying alone, because she's forever stuck with me and my 20 future puppies. But before I could say anything. She grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the park. And when she saw I wasn't going to move any time soon, she shoved me until I started walking.

I can feel Emily having a victory dance behind me. I don't see why she's in a hurry; I'm the one with the crisis here! At times like these, I would plan some sort of revenge for Em here. But she did saved me from that complete disaster back in the safe. Consider us even Emily.

I walk up to one of the benches closes to the DarkBloom Forest. This forest is what makes our town and park so popular. From the breathtaking redwood trees, to the amazing animals that lurk within the forest. Not mentioning the crystal like water lake. Tourist from all over the country come here to hike the trails or just go sightseeing. I remember walking through these forest when I was younger.

From enjoying the sky high redwood trees or exploring the forest. But one thing for sure is; I only did these things to get away from everything. Growing up, I had lots of friends, a loving family, and a great best friend. Now, I only have 2 out of those 3 things. I'm not complaining; having a family that still supports you and a best friend who's always there for you is great. But sometimes, it's not always enough. Eventually, your family doesn't understand your situation and your best friend doesn't know what to do.

So I go to the forest for comfort, when no one else can. I get lost in deep thought and let go all of the stress I'm feeling. No one can disturb me, no one can make fun of me. I wander the trails for hours until it's turns dark. Then I lay down and watch the glistering stars above me.

I haven't been gone to the forest in awhile, which is a good thing. I don't need to hear the lectures of my parents when I come home late with leaves and branches in my hair. And I haven't been bullied in months. Everything is starting to change slowly and I can't be anymore grateful.

My eyes start squinting as the glowing red ball is starting to burn my eyes and I look up to see the sun starting to set. My heart started to sink and a million scenarios started to race through my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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