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You know... I don't think the media shows enough appreciation for young ladies, who are blossoming into kickass bosses who like to bounty hunt boys and keep them hostage!

Some people might make fun of you for your skin color, weight, lifestyle or anything else that isn't considered your typical white American (or wherever you're from the world!).

But honestly I just want to say all you gurlz (boiz 2, but mainly gurlz right now) matter.

All of you are unique, awesome, beautiful and all around a fabulous/ amazing person!

So don't let the haters around you try to mold you into being someone who you're not. I'm saying this as someone who was once bullied, excluded in games and who is very flipping different from the rest of the crowd.

You know how you go to a store and some of the colors are very bland and plain?

Then you see that one shirt, dress, skirt or whatever it is and it pops out from the rest, be that yellow color that pops out from the crowd of greys! Be you! Love yourself! Show how magnificent you are!

Love the ones who do you wrong, love your neighbors even if they love Donald Trump and you want to throat punch their asses!

(Okay... Got off track... But that is true for me)

What I'm trying to say, is that you don't have to be that typical person you see in the streets that everyone kinda looks over because they're all pretty much the same.

Be that person who gets all of the people to look at you, to see how amazing you are!

Like I've said, I don't think the media gives gurlz enough self-confidence. All what I see (on America TV) is white women who look amazing when they color their hair or white women who model for a certain brand of clothing...

You don't usually see a person of color who is doing that... Seeing stuff like that can make me wonder what's wrong with what I look like and why no one ever shows advertisement that feature people who look like me or similar to me.

That's discouraging for a young kickass teenage mutant ninja turkey like me.

When summer rolls around again, all you see in magazines and other info resources are people who are skinny, and white. You don't usually find a 'fluffy' person who is modeling in those magazines.


Because it's "ugly" to have a little meat on your bones, to some people (like me) it's beautiful to have meat on your bones, it's beautiful to not have as much meat.

It's beautiful just to be you! So as my last few words...

I say, media you can take all of your bullshit and keep it up your ass ain't nobody got time fo dat!

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