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Maya's POV
V: hey guys there's a party tonight and we're invited
L: who's party.
V: friends of mine
M: how do you have friends in Hawaii
V: I'll explain later just do you guys wanna go or not
R: how old are the people there gonna be
V: our age
J: sounds cool
V: alright it's in a hour
F: lets all meet in here in 50
S: alright
50 minutes later
V: ready
Everyone: lets go
We walk to the house that the party is being thrown at.
J: I'll get everyone some punch
L: I'll help
All the girls were flirting with Josh and Lucas. Me and Riley didn't care about that but there was two girls that wouldn't stop.
V: Zay lets dance
They went to dance and Smackle went to the bathroom so it was just me Riley and Farkle. The two girls that were flirting with Josh and Lucas kissed them.
Me and Riley left.
Farkles POV
I wanted to leave with Riley and Maya but I had to stay to tell Zay Vanessa and Smackle what happened. They all came back
J: where's Maya and Riley
F: we have to leave
L: what happened
S: you two disgust me
We all left the party and went back to the house
F: there not here
J: I know the only place they would go
It hit me. Josh and Lucas started to leave. Me and Zay stopped them
Z: you two aren't going anywhere
F: I'm the one that should go
J: why you
F: because you two are the reason there not here and I've always been there
I leave and go to the only place they would be. And I was right there they were on the swing crying. I go over and sit between them they put there heads on my shoulder
M: how could we be so stupid
F: it's not your guys fault
R: why did I let him in Riley town
M: why did I start to have hope hopes for suckers
F: "you know what they say about hope it breeds eternal misery"
M,R: you remembered
F: duh you guys have made me watch PLL a million times
They stop crying and laugh
M: why couldn't it just be the three of us forever
F: because we had to grow up
R: we still could've grown up and it just have been the three of us
M: it could've if it wasn't for huckleberry
R: and my uncle
F: but you love Lucas and you love Josh
M: I do still love Josh no matter what and I don't know why
R: that's how I feel about Lucas
M: do we have to go back tonight
F: I knew you would say that so I came prepared
I take out blankets and my laptop from my bag
R: thank you Farkle
F: hey you guys are Canada
M: your greatest alley
F: season 6 of PLL is on Netflix.
R: Marathon
M: Marathon
I grab a blanket and my laptop and get back on the swing.
All our phones start ringing
F: mines zay
M: I'm not answering Josh
R: I'm not answering Lucas
F: I have to answer Zay he's keeping the guys there
I answer
F: hey Zay
Z: I can't keep them here for much longer so if you guys aren't coming back I suggest going to a restaurant or something
F: okay have Smackle meet us there with new clothes  pls
Z: alright bye
I hung up
F: Zay cant keep them there and they know we're here so we have to go out till they stop looking
M: alright but I know Josh he'll come here in the middle of the night
F: okay but if you guys aren't ready to talk to them we need to leave
They look at each other
R,M: we gotsta go
I laugh
F: we gotsta
We leave just in time because I see Josh and Lucas coming. There not close enough to see us so we leave

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