Chapter 1 Introduction

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I am a girl named Jaelynn. I am gonna graduate high school soon and I am really excited. My whole life I have gone to an all girl's religious private school and I am really glad I did because I was protected from all the outer influences. Well, at least that is what my parents always tell me. I believe every word my parents tell me because they are my parents and they are always right. For example, when they told me that I was born when my parents prayed and then a fairy came and dropped me off by the stairway of my house, I believe them completely. Going to an all girl's school is very beneficial because boys are gross and weird, ew cooties. All you need boys for is so they can pray with you when you are ready to have kids. I am gonna stop now with all the man-hating because I need to get on with my story. I have gotten accepted to Harvard and I am attending starting next year. This is the result of all of my hard work and dedication to academics. I do not remember once getting below a 90 percent on anything. 

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