Chapter 2

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It jumped out at me and scratched my face I hurt so bad. I jumped up and woke up I went and looked at my face in the bathroom and there they were the claw marks it made in my dream, I started to freak out and I ran to my mum and I woke her up and she and I rushed to the hospital.

At the hospital I went in and I had to get stitches. Then the doctor walked in and he said " we have to keep you daughter in over night just for check ups" my mum said '' that's fine just call me if something happens and when to pick her up''.

So that day I was in the hospital, I guess it was an ok day at the hospital so far I was eating their rubbish food because we all know hospital food is. The nurses came in and out it got real boring because I just had to stay in my bed the whole time.

It was now 7:30 and suddenly the lights started to flicker and I keep calm and then it went dead silent then this was when I started to freak out so I got up and looked outside and I saw what I saw in my dream that animals thing, then I looked around in horror I don't know how to say this is a sweeter way but everyone and I mean everyone was dead.

So I quickly but quietly closed the door and I found something to keep it locked lucky I was on the ground floor so there was a window and I climbed out carefully so I wouldn't hurt myself, I got out and I looked back in the room and I saw the door moving so I started to sprint back to my house lucky it wasn't that far.

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