more explanations bc stuff's been getting out of hand

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Hey guys.

It's been 2 more months, and I still haven't lived up to the promise of keeping my stories updated. As you can probably already tell from the title, the issues I've discussed in the last chapter have gotten kind of crazy. Those "self-esteem issues" I told you about turned out to be anorexia. My therapist hasn't confirmed it yet, but they said they think that the whole "lack of interest in everything" thing I was talking about may very well be depression.

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I really don't want to get better. Sometimes, I want to curl up in a ball in the corner of my bedroom and cry and just let all my problems slowly suffocate me. I'm slowly getting better at the whole "recovery" thing, and they seem to be getting slightly better. I'm not saying this so that anyone feels sorry for me. I'm only saying it so that you don't feel alone. Life-threatening or not, everyone has problems that need to be and deserve to be addressed. You deserve to feel better.

I'd end this by saying that you're all amazing and beautiful human beings, but it's already obvious that you are. You won't believe me anyways. Instead, I want you to know that you deserve help. If something is wrong, no matter what it is, tell someone. It doesn't have to be your teachers or parents, just someone you trust so they can help you cope in a healthy way. If you're really concerned, please call a helpline. They can give you much better advice than me. Please stay alive, because you're so worth it...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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