Chapter 7 Explanation

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"I don't know much." She replied, "Only her name. Sarah Shai Horker."

She couldn't believe the man was opening up.

Jalh continued walking on as he started.

"First thing someone has to understand is that I was beyond able to save her, my wife. Many would say she kept me in line, but that's only if they knew me after she had died. I came to the realization that there are no heroes in this world, and that I was a killer, born, created for one thing, killing. When she died that's what I did, I became a bounty hunter, but it wasn't enough. The thrill of the kill was what kept my pain at bay, and that's how I have become the cold hearted murder that I am. I only saved you and Caleb, because you reminded me of Sarah, the way you were with your child."

"Doesn't that make you, in a sense a hero?" Jessica asked.

"No, Heroes don't exist. Killers do, that's why you can't trust anyone." Jalh replied.

"That seems like a hard way to live." Jessica mumbled.

"Who said life was easy?" Jalh snapped.

Jessica was quiet as Jalh lowered his eyes, "let's keep going."

She had blown her chance. She had wasted her opportunity to know more about the interesting figure. Jalh was a giant, physically he had everything a man could desire, but deep down, he was missing and hurting.

"What of your son?" Jessica tried.

"He died along with my wife." Jalh replied, clearing a branch.

"I thought Apollus was your son, you have the same hair, and same eyes." Jessica started.

"Apollus," Jalh questioned, "No, chance that's all. He doesn't have my jawline, or brawn, the most common thing a father gives to his son."

"I thought you two looked similar." She replied.

"My son died, with my wife, he's dead." Jalh replied firmly, looking back at Jessica.

Caleb tripped over a branch as Jalh quickly, caught the boy, before he hit the ground. His firm arms kept the boy in floating positions as he slowly let him back to his feet. Maybe Jalh wasn't as cold as they all thought he was. He was, deep down, still a person like the rest of them, despite everyone calling him a monster.

Jalh still remembered the night he came home to find his house burnt to the ground. His wife's body was curled around their baby son. The image was something that would never leave his brain. It was the militaries fault, not fully, but partially. One day they would pay for the harm they had created.

Jalh remembered being stationed on Mica, a year after the war, where he met Sev. They were to calm a riot, which was turning into rebellion. Jalh had turned the tides that day, from a planet loosing its power to rebellion, to a strong outpost for the Empire. They wouldn't let anyone leave the planet for twenty four hours, and had retrieved their ships. There wasn't a way off the planet when Jalh received a distress call from his wife. Their house had been invaded by men. Jalh remembered their description to this day, and remembered killing them both. One had black hair, the other brown; both had pointed noises, and brown eyes. Jalh assumed they were brothers, but didn't care for a confirmation. He remembered nailing them with a bullet from his Arc-9 straight between the eyes.

Jalh's eyes were glazed as he walked through the woods, his thoughts on the past. He took in a deep breath of fresh air. This was the same planet he had lost everything on, and he was back. Now his struggle was leaving, just as before. He was too late last time, but this time he was ready.

"Do you believe in God?" Jessica questioned.

"There is no higher power." Jalh replied, "A man is left to his own will, own might, his destiny is what he makes it."

Jessica was shocked at the response; she herself hated the idea of a God, but couldn't reject it. Jalh openly despised the idea, and he showed it by the lack of attention he gave the question.

"Can I at least know where we are going?" Jessica inquired.

"So many questions," Jalh replied, "the ruins of Mica."

"Ruins of Mica," Jessica said with curiosity, "what is that?"

"They have no official name, but an outpost was destroyed by the rebels of Mica years ago, been too long for me to care to remember, I would say, maybe five to ten. It was the original settlement on planet Mica. The rebels attempt to push the Empire back was futile, so they tried something more personal to wake the people up, and it worked. If I remember correctly, there might be an old ship waiting down there to be flown." Jalh replied.

Really," Caleb said in excitement.

"That's right, twerp, we are going to soar through the sky." Jalh replied.

"Well than we'll be out of this planet soon!" Jessica replied.

"Give four to five days, yes," Jalh replied.

"A week, "Jessica's eyes widened.

"Yes the ruins of mica are the size of New York."

"Wait, where is that again?" Jessica asked.

"I thought you were born on Earth." Jalh replied, "It's the greatest city on planet Earth. Or so it claims to be."

"No I was stuck on the slums of Earth when my husband died from the rebel's on Mica."

"Earthlings are so liberal, no guns, little rights, you being a soldier's wife probably limited your job hunt." Jalh replied.

"Oh believe me I tried, everything. Not a soul would hire me. Those people have little idea what the Empire has done for them, and yet the outcast us." Jessica replied.

"I don't condone either end." Jalh replied, "For the most part, I don't care."

"Not everyone can take what they want when they want it." Jessica said with frustration.

"That's right, but I can." Jalh replied, with an evil smile.

Jalh stooped low as he watched a helicopter fly overhead. He pointed through the tree line as a drop off was spotted. He looked back at Jessica as he spoke.

"That right there represents the ruins of Mica."

Jessica glared back, "You're not worried about the helicopter?"

"I love helicopters!" Caleb shouted, with an awe and gasp.

"They're coming, and they will eventually catch up to us." Jalh replied.

"They what do we do?" Jessica questioned.

"I kill them." Jalh replied, "It's us or them, and right now, I have the upper hand."

Jessica was still surprised why she went along with this man. In that split second, when she decided to follow Jalh, she couldn't look for a reason why. Despite everything, she felt safe around the man, something she hadn't felt in years.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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