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Surfrider was the quintessential Malibu beach, making it the prime location for tourists who were willing to fight through the crowds of surfers, couples with young families who came out to play and people watch, and the groups of young men and women who came down to play on the sand volleyball court. But it was the surfers who made Surfrider truly special, they and the perfect swells and the three point breaks made it a perennial hot spot for both long boarders and short boarders.

Kensi had just taken a phonecall from Nell back at Ops, she'd been hoping for an Intel update, but Nell had nothing new to report. She was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to make a breakthrough on this case when Deeks slid up beside her holding a Rocky Road ice cream. And just  the one. She looked from the cone already dripping onto the back of his hand back to him.

"You bought ice cream?"

"We're at the beach. Goes without saying."

"Okay, so where's mine?"

"You said you were watching your figure," he replied, taking a big lick of the creamy, chocolatey goodness.

Kensi's mouth dropped open. Her look pointed. "When did I say that?"

"Yesterday, when I bought you that peanut butter and jelly donut."

"We live in LA. Deeks. Where there are literally dozens upon dozens of healthy eating options available to us. Things like vegan, organic, gluten free, fat free - "

"All things in four years I have never once seen you consume."

" - and you buy me a peanut butter and jelly donut."

"You were in a foul mood and needed the sugar rush. I know hypoglycemic induced hostility when I see it, sister. And you ate it. Why are we fighting about this when we should be working? Look," he said nodding towards the ocean. "Surfers."

"Wow. Those Detective skills really are working for you."

Deeks only smiled. "See the guy on the orange shortboard?"

"I don't even know what a shortboard is."

"Okay, our next weekend off I'm schooling you in the A-Z of Surf Talk." He pointed. "Blonde guy, red boardies, that's boardshorts to the less uneducated among us."

Kensi gave him a look. "I know what boardies are." She turned back to the surfer. "He's good."

"Guy's the real deal," Deeks agreed, taking another lick of his cone and smacking his lips together. Loudly.

Kensi made a face. "Do you have to do that?" she asked.

"It's ice cream. How else am I meant to do it?"

She only sighed. "So you know him?"

"Everyone knows Roman Tracey. With the exception of you. Because clearly you're a philistine when it comes to surf culture. Former world class surfer. Two time US champ. Dominated in the mid nineties until a knee injury sidelined him in two thousand and two."

"Thank you for that, Deekipedia," Kensi replied with a mocking smile. "Does he know our little jewel thief?"

Deeks slid her the side eye and she slid it right back. "He knows Starr and he knows me as Dave Wylie."

"Let's go talk to him."

As they made their way down onto the sand, Deeks still slurping on his cone, bikini clad girls passed by and they all had a smile for the shaggy haired Detective, and of course Deeks being Deeks, he had a smile for all of them.

NCIS: LOS ANGELES - "Falling Star"Where stories live. Discover now