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I don't know what I've done to get you like this.

One day you were so nice, the next you weren't.

Whatever I did, I'm sorry.

The other day I tapped you on the shoulder
All you did was turn away from me.
And being the girl that I am, I took it to heart.

How could we be best friends one day and the next we're not?

Every night ever since then, I cry myself to sleep, because it hurts too much not to.

Now everything we've done together
Is flashing before my eyes.

And at night you can hear my silent cries.

Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I want to be your best friend again.

I know that maybe God doesn't want us to be best friends anymore

But that doesn't make it hurt any less.

We've known each other forever. Had one huge fight and that's it.

We were best friends after the fight, for a year we were really close.

Then today you ignored me. And we barely talk and never walk together anymore.

How could I be fine? I just probably lost my best friend.

Whatever I've done, can I take it back? Whatever I've done, can you please let me say sorry?

A/N:This really happened and my heart is really broken. My best friend ignored me. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned her head to where she couldn't see me. I literally almost cried in school. Any advice? Help? DM me if you do. I am really upset about this.

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