2-Fearless Fire

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Chapter 2

Fearless Fire

He sat slumped in the leather sofa of the spacious large living room, absentmindedly flicking through the flat screen 60 inch TV. He wasn’t looking for anything particular, he was just waiting.

Then he heard the noise of posh heels walking on the polished floors of his wealthy rich home. He put down the remote leaving the TV on but set on mute. The living room door clicked open.

“Rideon? Are you in here?” said a woman in a stern voice. She was dressed in a smart business suit with her hair in a pristine bun with no loose ends and her make-up was flawless. She was in her mid-50s but could’ve been in her early 40s.

The boy smirked before he stood up from the comfy couch and faced her. “Yes mother.”

She didn’t bother turning on the lights because the fire place was enough. Though she kept her face motionless and still, Rideon could see the rage in her eyes.

“I got a call from the school. Again. Your failing maths, economics and business. You got a ‘U’ on every test paper. Un-gradeable was your grade. A ‘U’?! I’m ashamed to be your mother! No one else in this family has achieved grades so poor. I could understand that you may have found the test hard but your teachers say that you attitude to learning is appalling. Getting sent out for nearly all your classes? Skipping classes? I was also told that you vandalized the Maths corridor. You’re 17, not 10! What is going on with you, Rideon?!

Rideon stood there with his hands in his pocket and shrugged his shoulders in an uncaring way, though he had a faint smile on his lips. Seeing his mother get so angry about something was funny in his mind. To see her usually calm fade away was amusing. But that wasn’t the only reason why he behaved so badly.

“Why can’t you be more like Liam?!” his mother yelled at him.

Rideon’s smile faded away and his insides started to boil. He hated when she said that. It’s always been like that. Ever since he could remember.

Liam, was Rideon’s older, smarter and all round better brother. And Rideon’s mother never let him forget that. It was always, “Liam’s achieved amazing grades”, “He can play almost every instrument.” “All of Dad’s business partners think he’ll be great man one day.”

And Rideon was fed up. Fed up of being the 2nd brother. The one who’s shunned and pushed away by the older, better big brother. The brother who could never achieve as much as the older one.  He was the 2nd son of a multi-millionaire company, who would never aspire to anything more.

He really tried to become better but then after a while he could see that his parents would never notice him and so he gave up trying to please them and started to behave differently. Achieving bad grades when he knew he could achieve better ones. Disrupting lessons when he instead could be concentrating. He did those things for a reason. So his parents would notice him.

But he would never tell that to anyone. He kept a strong façade on.

It was plain to see that Rideon’s parents favoured Liam more than him, especially his mother.

She was still ranting on. “…Liam was getting higher grades than you ever did. I never once got a phone call from the headmaster about his behaviour. And even if I did it would’ve been about how he was over achieving. Do you even care what you’re doing with your life?”

Rideon stayed stock still and didn’t even look at the woman he called, ‘mother’. He was trying so hard not to shout back because that’s what she wanted.

His mother then took a deep breath. She flattened her suit down and put her calm mask back on and said in an motionless voice, “Think about your actions Rideon, or you’ll have no future.”

With those words she slammed shut the living room door releasing that last bit of anger she had. But Rideon was releasing all of his anger without knowing it.

His insides were ready to scream out, his hands began to clench into a fist shape ready to smash something but at that moment something extraordinary happened.

The fire from the fireplace started to act abnormally. It was at a slow, small flame but that was rapidly changing.

The flames began to grow larger and larger. The fierce colours of red, orange and yellow were blending into a harsh mixture. 

Suddenly, Rideon’s back began to feel warm. He didn’t understand.

He slowly turned around and his eyes grew wide with shock at the scene before him. How was this possible? What was happening to the fire? Rideon was looking at the flames leaping from the logs and almost touching the high ceiling.

The flames had at least grown by 10 times their normal height. They were climbing out of the fireplace in all different directions and were blazing out of control.

A flame tendril was coming straight for him. His natural instinct made him put his hand out to try and stop it. He expected to be burned. What he didn’t expect was the he would be grasping the flame in his hand as if it was a pole and not a burning flame.

Time felt like it froze in those few seconds. Rideon was standing in his living room, with the fire place going out of control. But more remarkably, was that he was able to grasp a flame and not get burned.

It was impossible.

As soon as this though processed in his mind, time sped up again. The flame in his hand vanished like air. The wild flames were sucked back into the fire placed, flickered and were extinguished, leaving the once solid wooden log into black dust.

Rideon was in shock. Had that really just happened? There was no evidence visible in the now dim living room only lit by the muted TV. The wall weren’t burnt or damaged. His hands were cool and not burning from the heat of the flame. The only difference was that the fire place was no longer lit and the logs were cinders.

Had his rage made the flames go out of control?


So what do you think? To be honest I felt like this chapter could’ve been better but I needed to have an update soon :D

I'm also aware of the grammar and spelling but I'll edit later. If you can let me know where I've made mistakes, that'll help a bunch

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