4-Acrobatic Air

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Chapter 4

Acrobatic Air

The rain was slamming the drenched concrete ground. Screaming girls ran past the science block to their next lesson trying to shield themselves from the rains attack. Boy’s doing the same but with less screaming and more pushing and shoving each other into puddles.  The teacher’s yelling at the students to hurry up and get out of the rain, whilst also trying to protect themselves from the pellets of water.

Then the wind also picked up. Making the girls hairs look tamed to wild and as if they had been dragged through a bush backwards. Of course the wind managed to work in the boy’s advantage giving them a windswept look. On the other hand the teachers were less than pleased that the wind was battering them as well.

Everyone was doing all they could to escape the mad weather. Except one girl. She was embracing Mother Nature’s force. The rain cascaded on her but the wind barely attacked her only making her blow like strands of thread in the wind.

The bell rang to let everyone know that it was time for the next lesson. But she was in no hurry, it wasn’t often that she got this kind of freedom. She was usually caged up. And alone.

She walked more, almost dancing through the puddles, enjoying the cool calm atmosphere. However it was soon broken.

“Bennet! What do think you’re doing?!” A teacher, Mr Wall yelled thorough the window of the Gym block. How ironic, she thought. His name is Wall and he’s yelling thorough the window. “Firstly you’ll get pneumonia, but I don’t really care about that because I mostly care about the fact that you’re thirty minutes late to my lesson! Hurry up and get inside. I’ll decide your punishment.”

He looked very angry, and she knew she had majorly crossed the line. She honestly wasn’t aware of the time. She just got up with the wind. But she knew it was impossible to argue with him, and truth be told she wasn’t a person to argue back.

She was a good girl. She wasn’t rude or mean like Rideon Gold. She wasn’t popular or pretty as Raina Carter and she wasn’t bad enough as Damien Black. She was just average Iris Bennet.

“I’m so sorry Sir.” She bowed her head slightly. She ran to the block as soon as possible. When she entered he was waiting, arms folded.

“Well you’ve already missed half the lesson so it’s pointless for you to join in now. Well, it’s not like it’s the first time you’ve missed Gym. You’re ankle probably still hurts from last week, right?” he queried.

That was right. Iris had missed Gym three weeks in a row. Each time making up a new excuse. She couldn’t do PE and risk people seeing her body. Seeing her bruises.

She nodded. “It’s healing Sir. Thanks for asking.” She managed a small smile.

Mr Wall raised an eye brow. He could tell she was lying but never asked because he knew she would lie even more. He also could tell there was something else going on, a 17 year old girl like her had been through something, but didn’t press on the matter. He sighed and shook his head.

“I guess you can clean the equipment on the balcony after school. That can be you’re punishment.” He was surprised when he saw her smile grow. Was she that happy to clean up?

But Iris was happy because it meant that she didn’t have to go home early. She saw Mr Wall looked curious, so she quickly wiped her smile away.

“Yes, Sir. I’ll be here 3 on the dot. Have no fear.”

Mr Wall cracked a small smile. Iris saw that this made him younger, even though he wasn’t that old to begin with, only 29. But his always strict persona hid that fact.

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