Chapter 1

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*Disclaimer that I do not own Doctor Who nor any of the characters. No copyinfringement inteneded; this is just a fun fanfiction.*

AN: Please watch The Night of The Doctor (owned by the BBC) to understand what I'm talking about. (:


Rose's POV

"Off you go, sweetheart," Mum said gently, giving me a light kiss on the head and handing over a bag full of tea packets and food. "Don't get into any funny business, and be back for dinner!" 

"I still don't understand why the Doctor can't come with me," I sighed, taking the bag and setting it down to the ground beside my feet. "Why can't I just go into another room or something? The conversation can't be that important that you're shipping me off to another planet." 

"Just go for a spin," Mum shrugged, but didn't offer up any other advice. 

"I'll see you soon," the Doctor said with a wry grin and took my face in both hands, brushing his lips against mine. I smiled against the kiss and broke off, reaching up to ruffle his hair. 

"Maybe I'll go to Barcelona," I winked, reminding him of the first place we went to once the TARDIS was fully grown. "Spend a few hours with the dogs, bring back a souvenir or two." 

"I did have my eyes on the Barcelona refrigerator magnets the last time we went," the Doctor joked and I picked up the bag of snacks, opening the door to our TARDIS with a small smile. 

"Have a fun-filled day with my parents," I waved with a laugh, walking into the blue box and closing the door behind me. 

I looked around the console room, my smile fading. I couldn't help but remember all of the times the Doctor - the actual Doctor - and I had shared in the TARDIS that was identical to this one. Now I had new memories of adventures with the Metacrisis Doctor who reminded me just of his twin, but the day on Bad Wolf Bay would always stay with me. Somewhere over there in the twin TARDIS, the Doctor had stood sending the projection of himself to the beach, burning up a sun in the process... 

Shaking my head, I set down the bag onto a chair and flipped some controls, setting the destination to Barcelona. I had seen the Doctor - both of them - do this many times, so it was second nature to me. The glass cylinder went up and down, the sound of the TARDIS - in which the Metacrisis had informed me was because he kept the brakes on - echoing throughout the hollowed halls. 

"I've never flew you alone," I said quietly to the control panel, giving the cylinder a soft pat. "Well, that's okay. I guess there's a first for everything, isn't there?" 

The TARDIS started its movement through the time vortex and I braced my feet, holding onto the control panel tightly. It jerked back and forth - much too jarringly for a small trip to Barcelona. The blue interior started to flash a bright red and I was thrown to the ground, getting hit with a tea packet as well. 

"What are you doing?" I yelled and tried to get back onto my feet, but the quick movements kept me rolling around on the cold floor. "Quit it, I didn't do anything wrong!" 

After a few more seconds, the TARDIS finally stopped and I whacked aside the tea packets that had been strewn around me. Standing up, I figured it was just a little blip in the space-time continuum and casually made my way to the doors. Giving a little pat to the wall, I then opened the doors and saw a planet that was most definitely not Barcelona.

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